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Sat Feb 04, 2006 midnight - 6am 
Danger Doombasket case
the mouse and the mask / Epitaph Records
DJ Screw ft. ESGBallinAs The World Turns Slow / Wreckless Entertainment
Bill Frisell858-1
Richter 858 / Songlines Recordings
Lou HarrisonFugue for PercussionPerilous Chapel, the / New Albion Records
Company FlowInfo Kill IIFuncrusher Plus / Ozone Entertainment
Arditti QuartetQuartetto per archi in due tempiBruno Maderna for Strings / Montaigne
MF Grimm ft. MegalonRain BloodThe Downfall Of Iblyss / Metal Face Records
Morris, Lawrence D. "Butch"2Conduction #70 - Tit for Tat / For 4 Ears Records
Morris, Lawrence D. "Butch"3Conduction #70 - Tit for Tat / For 4 Ears Records
Men's Recovery ProjectThe Couch
Best Of Men's Recovery Project, The / 5 Rue Christine
Gabor SzaboMizrab - Prefuse 73 RemixImpulsive! Revolutionary Jazz Reworked / Verve
Michelle MakarskiNo 39 Elegiac; FantasticoCaoine / Ecm Records
Michelle MakarskiNo 41 Allegro MoltoCaoine / Ecm Records
Michelle MakarskiNo 42 Nocturnal; SlowCaoine / Ecm Records
La PlebeQue Barbaridad
Entre Cerveza, Ritmo, Y Emocion... / Desarme Sf
Steve ReichNew York Counterpoint: FastNew York Counterpoint/Eight Li / Nonesuch
Pollini, Maurizio & Nono, LuigiComo una ola de fuerzaMaurizio Pollini Edition / Deutsche Grammophon
the Ralf Jones Band100 PointsDrowning in Kentucky / Self Release
Men's Recovery ProjectProblem?
Best Of Men's Recovery Project, The / 5 Rue Christine
Edgard VareseEcuatorialComplete Works, the / London Records (Classical
Cousin SilasSetting The Clinch
Malpractice: A Fflint Central Primer / Birdman Records
Nortt/Xasthur / Southern Lord Recordings
1349I Am Abomination
Hellfire / Candlelight Records
XasthurBlood From The Roots Of The Forest
Nortt/Xasthur / Southern Lord Recordings
Cage, John/Tan, Margaret LengSuite for Toy Paino 1Daughters of the Lonesome Isle / New Albion Records
Cage, John/Tan, Margaret Leng" 2Daughters of the Lonesome Isle / New Albion Records
Wojciech KilarBogurodzica
Tryptyk / Dux Recording Producers
Chino XlGhetto VampireJesus / American (Hip-Hop)
Paul GigerFourteen VirginsSchattenwelt / Ecm Records
La Salle QuartetBewegtAnton Weberm, La Salle Quartet / Deutsche Grammophon
Born AgainstHalf MastHalf Mast / Vermiform
Ramor QuartetVerklarte NachtAlban Berg Lyric Suite / Vox Stereo