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Wed Jul 17, 2002 6-9pm 
Time Artist Track Album/Label
Polkacide Wiener Dog Polka American Polka /
Walter Carlos Title Music From A Clockwork Orange Clockwork Orange Soundtrack /
Wesley Willis Good News Is Rock and Roll Apocalypse Always /
Woody Allen Unhappy Childhood 1964 1968 /
Planetarium Music Metal
Tracditional Psychedelic Elec /
Slim Gaillard F*** Off (the Dirty Rooster) If It Aint a Hit, I'll Eat My... /
Jello Biafra American Woman Apocalypse Always /
Alice Donut The Son of a Disgruntled X P Dry Humping the Cash Cow - Liv /
Jana Mccall Echoes Slumber /
Barry Adamson Come Hell or High Water As Above So Below /
PJ Harvey Working For the Man To Bring You My Love /
the Birthday Party Zoo Music Girl Birthday Party/Lydia L /
Boy Dirt Car K.I.D. Badger A-Go-Go /
Carpenters Yesterday Once More 1969-73 /
Lack Pessimist Part
Blues Moderne:Danois Explosifs /
Curlupanddie On the Run From Johnny Unfortunately We're not Robots /
Ruins 1986-1992 Outburn Ruins /
[coll]: Pig Destroyer/ Gnob Down in the Street
Pig Destroyer/ Gnob /
Sun Ra Discipline Celebration For The Comet Kohoutek /
Idiot Flesh Bigfoor Wed. Night Live 11/30/1994 /
Yume Bitsu /
Golden Vessyl of Sound, the /
D.J. Lebowitz Holiday in Cambodia Beautiful Happiness /
Home Computers Everything You Always Wanted Everything You Always Wanted T /
Thrones Obulus Thrones /
Dick Gregory At Kent State Army Intelligence/Phone Tapping /
Solmania Sample and Hold The Basement Tapes (KSPC) /
Nirvana Big Cheese Out of the Blue (boot) /
Young Marble Giants Credit in the Straight World Colossal Youth /
Melvins Foaming Hostile Ambient Takeover /
Nebula Bardo Airways dos EPs /
the Faith Healers Love Song Lido /
Dealership Dumb Secret American Livingroom /
Crime and the City Solution Six Bells Chime Room of Lights /
Billy Vaughn Harbor Lights Plays /