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Thu May 16, 2002 3:00-5:00 pm 
Little ChampionsTransactions + ReplicationsTransactions + Replications /
StarsTheme From the StarsA Lot of Little Lies for the S /
Trembling Blue StarsUntil the Dream Gets BrokenAlive to Every Smile /
Yuji OnikiBlinkOrange /
Club 8We're Simple MindsSpring Came, Rain Fell /
StarletBoom Boom Love!From the One You Left Behind /
Holiday FlyerClover Valley RoadYou Make Us Go /
the LookersTrack StarIn Clover /
All Girl Summer Fun BandNew in TownAll Girl Summer Fun Band /
the SalteensNice DayShort-Term Memories /
the ShermansPracticed PerformanceYou Make Me Smile /
TullycraftWilk BikiniBeat Surf Fun /
Marine ResearchAt the Lost and FoundSounds From the Gulf Stream /
I Live the Life of a Movie StaGale Wind TransistorGale Wind Transistor /
Kleenex Girl WonderWhy I Write Such Good SongsWhy I Write Such Good Songs /
Mates of StateEveryone Needs An EditorMy Solo Project /
Papas FritasExplainPapas Fritas /
Rilo KileyDon't DeconstructTake Offs and Landings /
Miss MaryThe Cutest BoyHey Blue /
LunchboxIn My WorldMagic of Sound, the /
MazarinWheatsWatch It Happen /
MarblesTop of the MorningPyramid Landing /
the ShinsGirl Inform MeOh, Inverted World /
HeavenlySperm Meets Egg, So What?Decline and Fall of Heavenly /
Ashley StoveA Chocolate CraveOh, Merge /
the MindersHooray for TuesdayHooray for Tuesday /
Ashley ParkRe-Entry DayAmerican Scene, the /
MirahEngine HeartYoyo a Go Go 1999 /
Monster MovieOobyLast Night Something Happened /
Jets to BrazilYou're Having the Time of MyFour Cornered Night /
Tom DailyWorld of YawnsBurlington Northener, the /
Hey MercedesBellsHey Mercedes Ep /
PiebaldThe StalkerWe Are the Only Friends /
the Infinite XsChosen OneInfinite Xs, the /
OrangerSpringtimeQuiet Vibration Land, the /
Olivia Tremor ControlHideawayBlack Foliage /
Neutral Milk HotelIn the Aeroplane Over the SeaIn the Aeroplane Over the Sea /