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Fri Sep 08, 2000 6 - 9 am 
Miles DavisHe Loved Him MadlyGet Up with It /
Cooper-MooreWaltzDeep in the Neighberhood of .. /
Cuong VuAcid KissBound /
Spaceways IncorporatedRed Hot MamaThirteen Cosmic Standards /
Splatter TrioSin Wing SwingingAnagrams /
Chadbourne/Dresser/Ibarra/MorrLeinileansverosPain Pen /
Maurice MagnioniUp in the SkySskies /
Mark WhitecageCodaSplit Personality /
William Parker & Little HueyInterlude #8Mayor of Punkville /
Axel/Longberg-Holm/Zer DornerBinClaque /
Cecil TaylorReinforced Concrete Part 1In East Berlin /
Nagl, Max TrioKuckuckFalarm /
Henry ThreadgillCome Carry the DayCarry the Day /
TestWhat R U Going 2 Due?Test /
Icp OrchestraRollo IJubilee Varia /
ICP OrchestraHouseparty StartingTwo Programs /
Clusone 3El Condor PasaRara Avis /
Han Bennik & Terre ExKluftLaughing Owl, the /
Brotzmann, Peter / Mengelberg / BenninkGewidmet Frau Hauser3 Points & a Mountain /
Moore, Michael TrioOpen, Still...Chicoutimi /
Breuker, Willem KollektiefHeibel Om Een...Heibel /
Clusone 3The GigI Am An Indian Too /