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Fri Feb 22, 2002 fri 3-6 p.m. 
MacColl, KirstieDesigner LifeTropical Brainstorm /
8 Bold SoulsThird One SmilesLast Option /
President's BreakfastGiantsIii C /
Matthew ShippSelect Mode 2Nu Bop /
Matthew ShippD's ChoiceNu Bop /
the Music EnsembleStance Dance (Courage)Music Ensemble, the /
Beresford/Thomas/WestonVigilant3 Pianos /
Braxton, Anthony QuintetEuterpeCimposium Volume 10 /
Ensemble AbstractMr. Butter MilkStendhal's Syndrome /
Preston, Don TrioTransformation
Transformation /
HimWeary not BeatenOur Point of Departure /
the Dismemberment PlanMemory MachineEmergency & I /
Bailey/Metheny/Bendian/WerticoA Study in Scarlet [track 7]
Sign of 4, the /
Ned BouhalassaAttraction [excerpt]Aerosol /
Mosberg, Phil QuartetAs IsNew Balance, the /
Wendell HarrisonNew Spaces and FacesEighth House: Riding With, the /
Orchestra BaobabRay M'belePirates Choice /
Kirk, [Rahsaan] RolandSafariSlightly Latin /
Dresser, Mark TrioDigestivoAquifer /
Baby CarrotSandblockPlay Every Day /
Ginseng /
Vijay IyerTrident: 2001Panoptic Modes / Red Giant Records