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Sat Feb 28, 2004 6pm - 9pm 
Time Artist Track Album/Label
Charizma & Peanut Butter Wolf Jack the Mack Big Shots / Stones Throw
Micranots Radio Glorious / Rhymesayers Ent
Crown City Rockers Orig Another Day / Insidious Urban
Royce 5' 9" Clean Hip Hop / Koch Entertainment
the Strange Fruit Project Maintain Vocal All the Way / Kajmere
Dr Oop One Life Clean 9 to 5 / Basement Records
Mass Hysteria Clean It Ain't Safe / Rhymesayers Ent
Charizma & Peanut Butter Wolf Red Light Green Light Big Shots / Stones Throw
the Feenom Circle The Pawn Shop Pawn Shop, the / Melatone Music
2 for 5 100 Centre Broke Minds Alike / Cajo Communications
Steinski and Mass Media It's Up to You (War Mix)
War (If It Feels Good / Hip Hop Slam
Jedi Mind Tricks Kublai Khan
Visions of Gandhi / Babygrande
Charizma & Peanut Butter Wolf Here's a Smirk Big Shots / Stones Throw
Q-Unique Clean Ugly Place, the / Uncle Howie
Alias I Would Write a Song That...
Muted / Anticon
the Feenom Circle Subtle Pawn Shop, the / Melatone Music