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Sun Dec 30, 2018 9pm - midnight 
the demonicsreganformaldehyde injection / man's ruin
supersuckersborn with a tailthe sacriligious sounds of the supersuckers / Sub Pop
PoemmeAt The Gates Of Dawn
Moments In Golden Light / Constellation Tatsu
bleedersI'm an american7" / hostage
sloppy secondsmighty heroslonely christmas / taang
ramonesbonzo goes to bitburgmania / sire
dwarvessalt lake city7" / sympathy for the record industry
east bay chasersmiserableit came from the east bay 7" / five & dime
DescendentsCaughtEverything Sucks / Epitaph Records
TsolPyroDisappear / Nitro Records
new bomb turksup for a downslidedestroy-oh-boy / crypt
angry samoanstime has comeback from samolia / triple x
D.I.colors and bloodstate of shock / doctor dream
Red AuntsRollerderby Queen#1 Chicken / Epitaph Records
china whiteaddictiondangerzone / frontier
Dr. knowin that housebest of / mystic
aggressionbrain bondagedon't be mistaken / B.Y.O.
factionbeing watchedno hidden messages / beer city
drunk injunsyour mamafrom where the sun now stands I will fight no more, forever / alternative tentacles
hightowerI am the wallridehightower / man baby
lutefiskreturn to the journeythe reliable and respected lutefisk 7" / bong load
Svarta StugenInner Space
Islands/Oar / Wooaaargh
lubricated goatnever know what hit youpsychedelicatessen / amphetamine reptile
Ed HallLeave Me AloneMothersnatcher / Trance Syndicate Records
terminal cheesecaketrack 9angels in pigtails / pathological
dystopia2human=garbage / common cause
david inglessatan has been paralyzedsatan has been paralyzed / dip
unsanefactorysterilize / southern lord
Tropical Fuck StormSoft Power
A Laughing Death In Meatspace / Joyful Noise
bongwaterwhat ifthe power of pussy / shimmy disc
Lavatone / Full Spectrum
Matthew RevertDear Tyler
Letters To Friends Of The Late Darcy O’Meara / Round Bale
clock dvathe hackerthe hacker / Wax Trax!
riceseedsfuck you this is rice / lookout
flux of pink indiansneu smellA sides comp. / crass
schwartzeneggarthe road to hellthe way things are...and other stories / allied
against all athoritysilence is golden but duct tape is silvercorruption of american youth / crash assailant
the forgottenclass seperationclass seperation 7" / TKO
Blaggers I.T.Athe way we operate in 1993oxygen / parlophone
U.K. Subsriotrebel radio / new red archives
GBHsick boythe clay years 1981 to 84 / clay
oxymoronbeware poisoniousfuck the;s our noize / helen of oi!
stratford mercenariesstratford bluesno sighing strains of violins / southern
social unrestmaking room for youthmaking room for youth / new red archives
roilcollidefarmhouse comp. 94 / farmhouse
conflictnow you put your foot in itthere is no power without control / sos
Tim HeckerThis Life
Konoyo / Kranky