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Sat Jan 06, 2018 2:30pm - 5pm 
Overman, MickInside The DreamGood Thing Happen / Max Records
Overman, MickCatch More BeesMister Double Happiness / Max Records
Overman, MickHeard You Cryin' Late One NightMileage / Max Records
Overman, MickSuspended AnimationLucky / Max Records
Overman, MickHappiness is the Best RevengeGood Thing Happen / Max Records
Overman, MickIf She Knew What She WantsMister Double Happiness / Max Records
Overman, MickThe Goddess is A Rockin' BabeMileage / Max Records
One O'clock Lab BandMyself When I Am Mingus
Lab 2017 / North Texas Jazz
Sherman Irby & MomentumSmile Please
Cerulean Canvas / Black Warrior
Steve SlagleSun Song
Dedication / Panorama Records
Kat Parra & The Sephardic Music ExperienceLa Vida Do Por El Raki
Dos Amantes / Self-Release
Quadro NuevoLa Habonere
Cinepassion / Justin Time Records, Inc.
Dino SaluzziGorrionCite De La Musique / Bmg Distribution
Robbie BashoGerman Chocolate Cake
Live In Forli, Italy / Obsolete Records
Auldridge, MikeIt's OverDobro / Takoma
Taj MahalKlondike Gold
Labor Of Love / Music Maker Relief Fund
Julien BakerTurn Out The Lights
Turn Out The Lights / Matador Records
Laibman, David & Eric SchoenbergRagtime OrioleThe New Ragtime Guitar / Smithsonian Folkways records
Lagrene, BireliClaire de LuneMove! / Dreyfus Jazz
Cafe MusiqueMorning
Ebb & Flow / Self-Release
The Hot SardinesLa Fille Aux Cheveux Roux (Weed Smoker's Dream)
French Fries & Champagne / Decca Records
Delfeayo MarsalisAutumn Leaves
Kalamazoo / Troubadour Jass
Takaaki OtomoRepetition
New Kid In Town / Troy Music Service
Soft MachineThe Steamer
Moonjune Years / Moonjune
FrothRomance Distractions
Outside (Briefly) / Wichita Recordings
The Dream SyndicateLike Mary
How Did I Find Myself Here? / Anti-
Stefano BattagliaMigralia
Pelagos / Ecm Records