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Thu Nov 16, 2017 noon - 2pm 
Time Artist Track Album/Label
Pixies Alec Eiffel Alec Eiffel / Elektra Records (Local)
Pixies Letter To Memphis (Instrumental) Alec Eiffel / Elektra Records (Local)
Pixies Build High Alec Eiffel / Elektra Records (Local)
Robert Rich Book Of Ecstasy: I. A Silken Thread, Ii. A Hungry Moon, Iii. A Veiled Oasis Seven Veils / Hearts of Space
Shartse Dratsang Monks & Lamas Jigje Kyi...(Tibetan Chant) Trance 1 / Ellipsis Arts
Balinese Temple Festival Balinese Trance Rituals Trance 2 / Ellipsis Arts
Jane's Addiction Sympathy Jane's Addiction / Triple X Records
Jane's Addiction Chip Away Jane's Addiction / Triple X Records

Pastor Ediemae Layne Funeral Eulogy For Elder Marguerite Mcclain (Excerpt) Dancing With The Dead: The Music Of Global Death Rites / Ellipsis Arts
Primus John The Fisherman Promo De Fromage / Interscope Records
Primus Fish On (Fisherman Chronicles, Chapter Ii) Sailing The Seas Of Cheese / Eastwest Records (Modern)
Primus The Ol' Diamondback Sturgeon (Fisherman's Chronicles, Part 3) Pork Soda / Interscope Records (Modern)
Primus John The Fisherman Suck On This / Caroline Records
Jane's Addiction Three Days Ritual De Lo Habitual / Warner Bros. Records
Khampagar Monastery Tsedrup Tibet: the Heart of Dh / Ellipsis Arts
Smashing Pumpkins, The Quasar Oceania / EMI
Smashing Pumpkins, The Panopticon Oceania / EMI
Smashing Pumpkins, The The Celestials Oceania / EMI
The Velvet Underground Hey Mr. Rain Live Mcmxciii / Sire Records (Modern)