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Sun May 11, 2003 midnight - 3am 
WhileSparkLock / Chocolat Records
Larry KucharzU313Techno Unit 32 - Misc. Tracks / International Audiochrome
Joel Ongthorne + Discom3
X + Y = Xy / Alku
KinesthesiaTriachusAphex Twin - 26 Mixes / Warp Records
IdentifcationD.T.C. Rat
Identify / Coco Solid Citi
L'ombreSyzygyMedicine for the Meaningless / Ant-Zen
Mike LanglieSourpuss
Twink / Acidsoxx Music
Robot Vs. RabbitNot ShinyTryptaphonic Mind Expl / Mandragora Records
Mouse on MarsHetzchase Nailway
Glam / Thrill Jockey Records
MoonbuggyRodrow 7.1
Planet Lupo / C & P Manic Music
CodecBeneath the SurfaceTension / Component Records
HalouEverything Is OkAdvance Music E.P. / Vertebrae Music Productio
Cotton FeroxPhantasmoplasmFirst Time Hurts / Unknown
Code OneCloudfishFourteen Parts / Cloudfish Music
ColorformSequentia Absentia RemixDj Spooky - Dubtometry / Thirsty Ear Communication
Boards of CanadaPete Standing AloneMusic Has the Right to Childre / Matador Records
Safety Scissors Vs Kit ClaytonPing PongPing Pong / Carpark Records
Primal ScreamMiss LuciferEvil Heat / Epic Records
Alice in ChainsGrindAlice in Chains / Columbia Records (Hiphop)
MindflayerCat Kid's Dance Troupe
Take Your Skin Off / Bulb Records
Cul De SacSearching for An Inch of Sky
Death of the Sun / Strange Attractors Audio
Rope4Fever / Family Vineyard
PrimusSgt. BakerSailing the Seas of Cheese / Eastwest Records (Modern)
Veronika KrausasGardens of StoneMusicworks 83 / Musicworks
Absinthe BlindBands 1
Rings / Mud Records
ToolThird EyeTool / Zomba
Tom LubitzI Yell Pop at You Fairfax StationSound Sculpting / AWA Records
John LennonMotherPlastic Ono Band / Capitol Records Inc.
ScenicYear of the Bat
Acid Gospel Experience, the / Hidden Agenda Records
Rolo TomaseStripped Throat
Plan B / Sic Audio Reproductions
CalexicoAttack El Robot! Attack!Feast of Wire / Quarterstick Records