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Thu Dec 13, 2012 6pm - 8pm 
Time Artist Track Album/Label
Ravi Shankar Raga Devgiri Bilawal
Rare And Glorious / Times Square Records
Slavic Soul Party Ocapella (Have A Beer)
Teknochek Collision / Barbes Records
Bob James Nautilus n / n
Flying Lotus Until The Quiet Comes
Until The Quiet Comes / Warp Records
Lijadu Sisters Dibe Nuwa
Mother Africa / Knitting Factory, the
Perry, Lee "Scratch" Mr. Upsetter
Master Piece / Born Free Records
Gabriel Carasco Augmenter
Out For The Afternoon / Amam
Soul Jazz Orchestra Jericho
Solidarity / Strut
The Chemical Brothers The Test Dangeruss / n
Kwame Afrovibes Let's Go
Let's Go / Self Release
Sola Rosa Del Rey
Latin Beat / Putumayo World Music
Les Barons Lagos Sound System
African Beat / Putumayo World Music