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Wed Aug 08, 2012 9am - noon 
KampfarrKledd I Bryne Og Smykelet BlondrhimMellom Skogkedde Aeser / na
Blasted CanyonsFinken's Lament
2nd Place / Castle Face Records
HickeyHickey BlvdMission Accomplished / na
Tillis, Bishop PerryGod Don't Like ItToo Close / Birdman Records
Juan TorresMaria BonitaOrgano Melodica vol 5 / na
Guantanamo BaywatchWe Came With Dottie
Chest Crawl / Dirtnap Records
Thomas Jefferson Slave ApartmentsNegative Guest ListNegative Guest List / Noisepop
Some guyAfghani Arm Pit Fart Song / na
NecroanalTrack 2
Motherfucker Of All Motherfuckers, The / Self
It is IPurgeEvolve / na
White PrismSolstice Separation
Solstice Separation / Arguments About Time Travel / Goldtimers Tapes

Datetenryu?self titled / ?
OutlawSunburst In Death Valley
Live At The Uptown / Self Release
Mal WaldrenThe CallThe Call / na

Interview w. Clint Marsh of Wonderella.orgLive interviewThermonuclear Bar Interviews / Leechalisicious

SimonettiTenebreX Terror Files / na
Dark Hard & Aleksander CepusHonda, Nevarna Ljubica
2009-2010 / Slusaj Najglasnije!
Francios de ReboixSanto PietroCourts Metrages / na
Omar & The HowlersDrunkard's Paradise
I'm Gone / Self Release
HightowerNomadic Metal Steele GypsiesTower to the People / na
LarkShiny Sins
I Don't Got / Care In The Community
Some psychicturning a cloud into a square / na
Outo SyojudoGood Bye Sakanoflexi / na
Zammuto / Temporary Residence
The Creeping UnknownSurpurationself titled / na
Ephram CarterOld Hen Cackled, Laid A Double Egg
Traveling Through The Jungle - Negro Fife And Drum Band Music From The Deep Sout / Sutro Park
Mahmoud Ghania, Et Al.Dahven
Eat The Dream: Gnawa Music From Essaouira / Sublime Frequencies
Winston RileyPurifyMeditation Dub / na
Saint VitusBlessed Night
Lillie: F-65 / Season of Mist