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Wed Jun 13, 2012 10pm - midnight 
Time Artist Track Album/Label
concern seven billion lives at once misfortune / isounderscore
Conure Steel, Nylon, And Foil: Oxidation Paintings
Strings, Locations / Edgetone Records
aquarelle origin sun in broken symmetry / students of decay

Celer An Unforced Cheerfulness
Lightness And Irresponsibility / Constellation Tatsu

Starving Weirdos Land Lines
Land Lines / Amish Records
3 Leafs Guacamole Window
Canal Smarts / Self
zac nelson nomess sound a sleep sound / bathetic
Laube Side A Ausmerzen / Sonic Meditations
Koi Pond Odysseia So Higher / Sonic Meditations
Ata Ebtekar & The Iranian Orchestra For New Music Performing The Works Of Alire Ornamental
Ornamental / Isounderscore
Troy Schafer The Desire Towards Joy - Cycle I
Evening Song Awaken / Recital Records