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Thu Jun 07, 2012 1pm - 5pm 
DamMukadime (Introduction)
Ihda' (Dedication / Redcircle Music
AdonisMa Kan Mafroud
Daw L Baladiyyi / Forward Music
Amr Diab'aref Habibi (You Know My Love)
Banadeek Ta'ala (I'm Calling You, Come) / Laser
Dudley, Anne and Coleman, JazHabebeSongs From the Victorious City / Tvt Records

Elhellani, AssiNatalieSingle / Rotana
Maraka, AzizBent EnnasMaster Copy / eka3
Samaha, CaroleWet3awadetWet3awadet / Rotana

Charbel Rouhana & The Beirut Oriental EnsembleAl-Bint Al-Shalabiyya (The Beautiful Girl)
Hand Made (Shughl Bayt) / Forward Music
Cheba DjenetKedab (Liar)
Jalouse / Sunhouse Records
Club D'elfOverture
Electric Moroccoland / Face Pelt Records
Cosmic Analog EnsembleJeita (Upper Cave)The Mundane and the Cosmic Vol. 1 & 2 / Hisstology records 2009

Baladi, DanyYa JarataSingle / Lebaneseunderground
DalidaHelwa Ya BaladiParoles D'Ailleurs / Orlando
Darine HamzeYa Zahratan Fi Khayali
Beirut Hotel (Soundtrack) / Lfp Les Films Pelléas
Darine HamzeAhwak
Beirut Hotel (Soundtrack) / Lfp Les Films Pelléas

Abbas, EddMafareqEl Moutarakam / h2zRap
Elizabeth AyoubHabibi
Oceanos Y Lunas / Four Quarters Entertainment
Emel MathlouthiMa Lkit (Not Found)
Kelmti Horra / World Village

FayrouzEh, Fi Amal
Eh, Fi Amal (Yes, There Is Hope) / Fbe
Nasr, MayZgheira Chinit (Original by Seta Hagopian)(2010) / RAM May Nasr
Mike MassyJazr W Mad
Ya Zaman / Falak Productions
Issa GhandourSalma Ya Salama(sayyed darwish)Darwish / Forward Music

Nsour, MarianneEnglabic (Poem read by Ahmad Qousi)Arabology / KZSU
Arabic Rocks / Forward Music
Labaki, NadineHashishet albiWhere Do We Go Now? (Soundtrack) / Sony
Khaled Mouzanar & Mouzanar (ft. Tania Saleh) kifou Hal HelouEt maintenant on va ou (Original motion picture soundtrack) / naïve
Joubran TrioDawwâr El Shams (Circle Of The Sun)
Asfar / Harmonia Mundi France

Chamamyan, LenaYa Mayela Al-GhosounThe Collection / Forward Music
Lili BonicheBambinoImpressions of the Ori / (Unknown)
Mahmoud El HusseiniSegara Bonny
Beirut Hotel (Soundtrack) / Lfp Les Films Pelléas
Mido ZahairIslahat
Beirut Hotel (Soundtrack) / Lfp Les Films Pelléas

Mashrou' LeilaInni Mneeh
El Hal Romancy / Mashrou' Leila
Nancy AjramSallim 'alayha (Greet Her)
Sahret Tarab (A Night Of Ecstacy) / New Sound

Natacha AtlasTaalet (Zab Spencer Remix)
Mounqaliba Rising: The Remixes / Six Degrees Records
Omar OffendumFinjan
Syrianamericana / Cosher Ink, Llc
Yasmine HamdanIn Kan Fouadi
Yasmine Hamdan / Kwaidan Records
Yazan Rousan And Autostrad'ayyat Fi 'l-Matar (Sing In The Rain)
Autostrad / Planet Records
Saba, YoumnaTehfeRuptured Sessions / Lebanese Underground

Zeid and the WingsAsfe (Live)Zeid Hamdan Live in Italy / Unreleased
Zeid HamdanLa Repetition
Beirut Hotel (Soundtrack) / Lfp Les Films Pelléas
El Ahmadie, ZiadOrganised ChaosSilent Wave / Forward Music
Rahim AlhajSailors Three
Little Earth / Ur Records

Massi, SouadKhabar KanaO Houria / Indie Europe/Zoom