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Thu Mar 01, 2012 4pm - 6pm 
Time Artist Track Album/Label
YAS Arabology Arabology / Lebanese Underground

Interview with Vera Salti Interview Part 1 Arabology / KZSU
Nasr, May Aatini Nay (live) Live at AUB / May Nasr
Nancy Ajram Sallim 'alayha (Greet Her)
Sahret Tarab (A Night Of Ecstacy) / New Sound
Labaki, Nadine Hashishet albi Where Do We Go Now? (Soundtrack) / Sony
Interview with Vera Salti Interview Part 2 Arabology / KZSU

Fayrouz El Bint El Chalabiya
Eh, Fi Amal (Yes, There Is Hope) / Fbe
Interview with Christina Littlejohn Interview Arabology / KZSU
Tania Saleh Wehde (Unity)
Wehde / Forward Music

Interview with Yesmina Khedhir Interview Part 1 Arabology / KZSU
Emel Mathlouthi Ma Lkit (Not Found)
Kelmti Horra / World Village

Interview with Yesmina Khedhir Interview Part 2 Arabology / KZSU
Samir Agerbi Ana achek ya mawalati Samir Agerbi / Sony

Amr Diab Banadeek Ta'ala (I'm Calling You, Come)
Banadeek Ta'ala (I'm Calling You, Come) / Laser
Mashrou' Leila Fasateen (Marc Codsi Remix) Single / Codsi
Cheikh Raymond Douah El Ghram (Marriage With Passion)
Anthologie, 1937-1961 - Cd 1 / Universal Classics And Jazz France
El Gusto Orchestra Of Algiers Ya Rayih Wayne Misafer (Where Are You Going, Emigrant?)
El Gusto / Quidam Productions/Remark Music

Suhail Khoury Raqs (Dance)
Al-Quds Ba'd Muntasif Al-Layl (Jerusalem After Midnight) / Edward Said National Conservatory Of Music & Birzeit University
Mashrou' Leila Embelelela7 (Jade's NuDiscoSpaceDrum Mix) N/A / Unreleased
Si Lemhaf Khouth Ra7tek 7ess / Vibebrau Records