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Sun Apr 06, 2003 3pm - 6pm 
EuphoneSu 10 #1Calendar of Unlucky Days, the / Jade Tree
IcuFlower and MoonChotto Matte - a Moment / K Records
Shock City ShockersGrow Sound Tree00100 Remix / None
HrvatskiRoutine ExerciseOiseaux 96-98 / Reckankreuzungklankekwerk
Goa!BiyahGoa! / Robosapien
Lightning BoltAssassinsWonderful Rainbow / Load Records
Takako MinekawaT.T.T.Roomic Cube / March Records
Team Doyobi + Safety Scissors1
X + Y = Xy / Alku
PleasurehorseBareskinrugBareskinrug / Load Records
4 HeroOrionAxiom: Reconstructions / Palm Pictures, Inc.
IdentifcationOh Loathsome Me
Identify / Coco Solid Citi
Big BonesI Think She's PrettySo Low / (Unknown)
Stinking LizavetaNaked and AloneIii / Tolotta
BrainoilI Won't DieCruevo/Brainoil Split / Berserker Records
Scholastic DethShackle Me Not!Shackle Me Not! / 625 Productions
We Know You Suck / Alternative Tentacles
the FeldmansSatans Cheerleaders
Take Ii / Kzsu Radio
the Black HandDisburdenPulling Your Strings / Ellington
Emo SummerFriendship BraceletEclipse / Nothing (Local)
Riot-a-Go-GoI don't know who you areRadio Calisthenics / (self released)
ShotwellWorld Turned Upside Down
Slow Down Kids! / Snuffy Smile
Pirx the PirateDude, this Gas Station Has NPirx the Pirate / New Disorder Records
Senseless ApocalypseLack of EducationSenseless Stereotyped Idea / H.G. Fact
Emily's Sassy LimeSneaking Into Yer HouseDippity Do-Nut / Kill Rock Stars
Four Hundred YearsSutureSuture and Other Songs / Lovitt Records
RKLThink PositiveKeep Laughing / Mystic Records
Wag PlatyTrack 1Futures/Wag Platy / Jerk Off Records
the RuinsBupphairodazzMandala 2000:LIVE at Kichijoji / Tzadik Records
WasteoidSpiderbiteTotal Pukeoid / Crop Circle
Astrid OtoMiamiDiscography / No Idea
DystopiaSocialized Death SentenceBackstabber / Misanthropic Records
EmbassyRachael PomeaMany Faces Of, the / Repercussion
the ControlSidearmSidearm / Reflections Records
FuckfaceWhite Vans in the MissionFuckface / Six Weeks
KalibasFishing with DynamiteProduct of Hard Living / Willowtip
the FuturesParadeDirty Works: 1997-2001 / Jerk Off Records
RadonWasting TimeWe Bare All / No Idea
Evolved to ObliterationYou Don't Fool MeCocks / Hemorrhage Records
Brotzmann, Peter Chicago TenteBroken EnglishBroken English / Okka Disk
Graewe, Georg QuartetNodalityMelodie Und Rhythmus / Okka Disk
Riot TrioInto the Wrong Hands, It FelRiot Trio / Day Job Records
Northwoods ImprovisersCircle and TriangleBranches / Entropy Stereo Recordings
Ibarra, Susie TrioRadiance: DreamsRadiance / Hopscotch Records