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Wed Aug 17, 2011 8:30am - noon 
Sangeeta BandyopadhyayRaga Puriya DhanashreePuja / Felmay
-- (9:00 a.m.) --
William ParkerMorning Mantra
Double Sunrise Over Neptune: Live At Vision Festival Xii / Aum Fidelity

Eco D'alberiUp Toward The Sun
Eco D'alberi / Porter Records
Eric Hofbauer & The Infrared BandPocket Chops
Level / Creative Nation

Mezzacappa, Lisa & NightshadeRegard de L'etoileCosmic Rift / Leo
Mari KimuraClone Barcarolle For Augmented ViolinWorld Below G And Beyond, The / Mutablemusic

Frank Gratkowski & Jacob AnderskovDevotion
Ardent Grass / Red Toucan
-- (10:00 a.m.) --
Romus, Rent / Lords Of OutlandBody Of Memory
Edge Of Dark / Edgetone Records
Lugerner, Steven SeptetFlux Capacitor
Narratives / (No Label Information)

Wally SchnalleWell Dressed Criminal
Out Of The Pan ... / Retlaw Records
Floored By FourDougie [excerpt]
Floored By Four / Chimera Records
Voder Deth SquadSide II [excerpt]
1 / Stunned Records
Silver AshLifeboatDeathless/Lifeboat [7"] / Generate
Andy AkihoNo One To Know One
No One To Know One / Innova Recordings

Halvorson, Mary QuintetMile High Like (No. 16)
Saturn Sings / Firehouse 12
-- (11:00 a.m.) --
Neil RolnickThe Gene Pool
Extended Family / Innova Recordings
Benoît DelbecqFireflies
Circles And Calligrams / Songlines Recordings

Alexander SigmanReflets/Réflexions/Implosions
Music From Stanford / Innova Recordings
Marilyn CrispellLabyrinthsLabyrinths / Les Disques Victo

Berne, TimThe Proposal [excerpt]Insomnia / Clean Feed

Phillip GreenliefSeventh CombinedLines Combined / Evander Music
Rhys ChathamThe Magician
Outdoor Spell / Northern Spy

The Lost TrioMissed
Mysterious Toboggan / Evander Music