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Thu Oct 04, 2001 6-9am 
LabradfordTwentyFixed::Context /
Town and CountryHindenburgIt All Has to Do with It /
Miles DavisShhh/PeacefulIn A Silent Way /
FontanelleReflex Vs ParallaxFontanelle /
Sigur RosAgaetis ByrjunAgaetis Byrjun /
Viewfinder /
Man Felt An Iron Hand Grasp Hi /
27Easy TriggerSongs From the Edge of the Win /
Andrew ColemanToo Early By FarEverything Was Beautiful, and /
the Remote ViewerSlowly in WavesFresh Fruit /
RothkoRoads Become Rivers
Truth Burns /
the Merkin DreamTing Is AlrightMerkin Dream, the /
the Album LeafWanderAn Orchestrated Rise to Fall /
FenneszBefore I LeaveEndless Summer /
Jim O'rourkeChristmas MixRrk 13 /
Sigur RosSvefn-G-EnglarAgaetis Byrjun /
Oceanless /
the Beta BandGoneHot Shots Ii /
National SkylineMetropolisNational Skyline /
RadioheadDollars & CentsAmnesiac /
Chicago Underground QuartetTunnel ChromeChicago Underground Quartet /
John MortonOutlierOutlier: New Music for Music /
Mouse on MarsThe IllkingIdiology /
Low & Dirty ThreeDown By the RiverIn the Fishtank /