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Thu Dec 03, 2009 7am - 9am 
Michael PennHigh TimeMP4 [Days Since a Lost Time Ac / Epic Records
Yo La TengoIf It's TruePopular Songs / Matador Records
Candy Butchers, TheMaking Up TimeMaking Up Time / Good Morning Monkey Records

Phair, LizSomebody's MiracleSomebody's Miracle / Capitol Records
SqueezeThird RailFive Live / Love Records
The AssistantsStop Dead
Fiction / Self

Cliff HillisShe Sees
Long Now, The / Self
Does You Inspire You / Kanine Records
TravisWriting to Reach YouMan Who, the / Epic Records

The DrumsDown By The WaterSummertime! / Twentyseven Records
IslandsDisarming The Car BombVapours / Anti- / Epitaph
the JayhawksPoor Little FishSound of Lies / American (Modern)

Manic Street PreachersMe And Stephen Hawking
Journal For Plague Lovers / Columbia
Blue Sky Secret, TheIn Your EyesWhat We Are EP /
The Lower 48Miles From Minnesota
Everywhere To Go / Grape Juice Records
Corner Laughers, TheThe Commonest ManifestoUltraviolet Garden / Popovercorps

Manic Street PreachersThis Joke Sport Severed
Journal For Plague Lovers / Columbia
Luck / Self
BibioFire Ant
Ambivalence Avenue / Warp Records

Manic Street PreachersMarlon J.D.
Journal For Plague Lovers / Columbia
The Apples In StereoEnergyNew Magnetic Wonder / Yep Roc Records
Teenage FanclubThe Town and the CityHowdy! / Thirsty Ear Communication
My First EarthquakeIn The Forest With FrenemiesDownstairs / Self

Velvet CrushHold MeupTeenage Symphonies to God / Creation Records Limited
PrincetonI Left My Love In Nagasaki
Cocoon Of Love / Kanine Records
Knock KnockDo You Know What You Give Away?
Girls On The Run / Wilde Records
GirlsLust For Life
Album / True Panther Sounds