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Thu Oct 15, 2009 3am - 7am 
Noah CreshevskyGreat Performances
Tape Music Of, 1971-1992, The / Em
rachel steinbasservocal experiment # 11
Philip GlassEinstein On The Beach: Knee Play 2
Glass Box / Nonesuch Records
the GerogerigegegeViolence Onamie (1990)Singles 1985-1993 / Work in Progress
Alabama Sacred Harp SingersReligion Is a FortuneHalf Ain't Never B V.1 / Yazoo Records
Santiago MutumbajoySymmetry is oppression
Yage Pinta! Psychadelic Shaman Songs Of Santiago Mutumbajoy / Locust Music
MouthusChina Drier
Mouthus / Psych-O-Path Records
AufgehobenEnds of ErMessidor / ?
Kk RampagePiss
False Flattery / Self
Chris CorsanoWhat do we get from cricketThe Young Cricketer / Hot Cars Warp
OaxacanTrack Two
Oaxacan / Majmua Music
AxolotlTrack 8Trade Ye No Mere Moneyed Art & Of Bonds In General / Loci Records
Bastard Noiselive at gilman- / -
bermuda linkexit tapeside a / exbx

robedoorabyss whispererrancor keeper / release the bats
george gallowayslamming norm coleman
Vulcanus 682b
2 / Gigante Sound
snake gutsthere is no deaththere is no death /
sbarrotundra babefloating / smooth tapes
Sundog PeacehouseMoss Gnomes
Brosound / Digitalis Industries
matias aguayorollerskaterollerskate / kompakt
total system point neverpower in that which compels youpower in that which compels you / snapped in half
p.a.r.aseaspace chyrsalismermalien / pacific city
WorkbenchSide B
Head Time / Tonte Flith
cabolaidesoutcrowded out memory / gneiss things
nonhorseas it was back then, so it is nowcusedart / Sharks & Pfennigs
scott tuma & mike weisdropsytaradiddle / digitalis
valerio cosia new vipassanaheavy electronic pacific loop / digitalis
shit and shinecreepy ballerinacherry / riot season
Eric CopelandKing Tits Womb
Alien In A Garbage Dump / Paw Tracks
wet hairside bthe beach / night people
sport of kingson a tall buildingon a tall building 7" /