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Fri Oct 18, 2002 midnight - 2am 
GridlockWithoutFurther / Hymen
AmmoGhost Phalanx (Panacea Mix)The Age of Terminal Irony / Flyco
TipperSubaliciousSubalicious / Chrysalis Music
NFluxDarknessDarkness / KWS Records
SynchroTamagochi KillerTamagoci Killer / Tip Records
SynchroScience FictionScience Fiction / Tip Records
SemsisBig BallsLetting Go / Atomic Records
EdgeyMass TargetMass Target / NuVision America
Boards of Canadaunknownunknown / unknown
Somatic ResponsesAccidental HappinessAccidental Happiness / Component Records
Black Lung & Xingu HillSpiders Web (End Theme)The Andronechron Incident / Ant-Zen
Somatic ResponsesVarjAccidental Happiness / Component Records
GridlockAsh (KSP remix)Further / Hymen
Triple PointSkiagraphy RemixSleep in Sodom / Meat Belt Productions
JailbirdEnd ConnectionInside Nonsense / Geska Records
Oneiroid PsychosisApostasy (Decree)Assuage / Decibel/Faktorsongs
Esplendor GeometricoNoising in the Rain Pt IVComisario de la Luz-Blanco de Fuerza / Geometrik
Mlada Fronta107.9Fe2O3 / M-Tronic
F/A/V3amFeinde auf Valium / Mental Ulcer Forges
Triple PointWintersSleep in Sodom / Meat Belt Productions
Dissecting TableI Would Like to BeLife / Relapse Records
MerzbowPromotion ManMerzbeat / Important Records
Bastard Noise/ the Slasher FilElectronic Moray StrikeSplit Cd / Kill Frank Lentini
MerzbowForgotten LandMerzbeat / Important Records
Merzbow17:27Oersted / Vinyl Communications
MerzbowTadpoleMerzbeat / Important Records
MerzbowUluk ConstitutionBatztoutai with Material Gadge / Rrrecords
WinterkalteGreenwar Theme 1Greenwar / Hands