Dead Man Winter / Bright Lights
Album: Bright Lights   Collection:General
Artist:Dead Man Winter   Added:Oct 2011
Label:Banjodad Records  

A-File Activity
Add Date: 2012-01-08 Pull Date: 2012-03-11
Week Ending: Jan 22
Airplays: 2

Recent Airplay
1. Jan 18, 2012: Everyday Commotion
2. Jan 18, 2012: Modern Donkey - Album Openers

Album Review
MC Dizzy Jackson
Reviewed 2011-12-23
Dead Man Winter is led by Trampled By Turtles lead man Dave Simonett, along with two other TBT’s members and some other Minnesota musicians. It’s country, alt-country, r’n’r with instrumentation of guitar, bass, drums, fiddle, keys, banjo. Some well-penned tunes, all worth a listen. No FCC’s.

*My Favorites*: 2, 3, 5, 6, 8, 9.

1. (3:22) Mid. Upbeat, loud and jangly. Cool guitar, fiddle, driving beat. Long, droney fade-out.
2. *(4:45) Mid. Great plodding beat, feel-good vibe with nice fiddle work, subdued harmonica.
3. *(3:22) Slow / Mid. Hollow vocal with guitar to open then band joins in. Mellow and dreamy. Very nice.
4. (4:42) Mid. Crunchy electric guitar to start. It’s a rocker with big noise, guitar soloing.
5. *(3:01) Mid. Brushes on drums, cool country guitar, lap steel, fiddle, harmonizing.
6. *(4:08) Slow / Mid. Sparse with guitar, keys, lonesome vocal. Beautiful.
7. (2:42) Mid / Fast. Driving beat with some stop / starts. Drum, guitar predominate.
8. *(3:32) Mid. Upbeat with fiddle, swirling subdued organ, harmonizing.
9. *(4:06) Mid. Trampled By Turtles tune. Upbeat, jangley, driving with fiddle and drums predominating. Guitar, fiddle soloing.
10. (3:17) Mid. Big electric country guitar, suspenseful drums, guitar solo.
11. (5:26) Slow / Mid. Mellow acoustic guitar, banjo, stretched-out vocal. Nice.

Track Listing
1. Nicotine   7. Cry For Help
2. Wasteland   8. Huse Of Glory
3. A Long, Cold Night In Minneapolis   9. New Orleans
4. Get Low   10. Industrial Daybreak
5. Golden   11. Bright Lights
6. Where In The World Have You Been   .