Bassnectar / Wildstyle
Album: Wildstyle   Collection:General
Artist:Bassnectar   Added:Jun 2011

A-File Activity
Add Date: 2011-08-14 Pull Date: 2011-10-16
Week Ending: Oct 16 Oct 9 Oct 2 Sep 25 Sep 18 Sep 4 Aug 28 Aug 21
Airplays: 1 1 1 2 1 2 6 2

Recent Airplay
1. Jan 25, 2016: I Like to Dance: Shake Off Your Pants
Hot Right Now (Bass Nectar Remix)
4. Oct 30, 2012: Electrowave
Underwater Feat. Tina Malia
2. Jun 13, 2014: FAREWELLGASM
Underwater Feat. Tina Malia
5. Oct 24, 2012: Sunshine . . . on a World Series Afternoon!
Wildstyle Method Feat. 40 Love
3. Dec 18, 2012: Electrowave
Underwater Feat. Tina Malia
6. Mar 22, 2012: Sunshine . . . in the Afternoon
Wildstyle Method Feat. 40 Love

Album Review
Reviewed 2011-08-09
Released 10/19/2010

In this album, Bassnectar migrates slightly away from him natural, echoey and eerie tunes into more synthesized and processed dustep. He still has his earlier sounds, but they definitely make less emphasize appearances. Overall, this album is cool and there are a few gems, but was kind of a let down since Bassnectar has produced cooler things in the past. 5 is a veryyyy cool song though, play it even if you have a country show!!
Lyrics are nonsensical, hardcore, and also cool sounding in all songs. More emphasis on vocals if they are present in a song.

NO FCC Picks: 5, 4

1 (4:19) Le durbstep that is full of synths and has a more mainstream sound than the usual Bassnectar sound. Cute rapping to top the cherry on this dirty sundae.
2 (5:56) Sweet dubstepping sounds, Bassnectar exploration melodies more dominant after the drop.
3. (4:17) Start is misleading, this track is not for the weak! Full of wobbles-- sea sickness induced. Eerie male vox
4. (4:32) Sweet track. Starts off sounding a tad like some odd electroish, transitions to sweet bass and wobbles. Second drop comes with even more armor.
5. (6:32) SICK TRACK. Eerie slow, and intense as phuck. Beautiful fem vox
6. (5:52) Little girl giggling… classic. All mixed up, along with eerie whooshes and synths. A trip.
7. (3:31) A roller coaster your mother would never approve of. Not anything too special though.

Track Listing
1. Hot Right Now (Bass Nectar Remix)   5. Underwater Feat. Tina Malia
2. Wildstyle Method Feat. 40 Love   6. Encore
3. Falling Feat. Paper Machete   7. Fun With Synthesizers
4. The 808 Track Feat. Mighty High Coup   .