Thick Shakes / Why Buy The Cow
Album: Why Buy The Cow   Collection:General
Artist:Thick Shakes   Added:May 2011
Label:Aurora 7  

A-File Activity
Add Date: 2011-07-17 Pull Date: 2011-09-18
Week Ending: Aug 7 Jul 24
Airplays: 1 3

Recent Airplay
1. Aug 05, 2011: The Songsmith Show
Banned From The Laundromat
3. Jul 20, 2011: Not That Simple
Go Back To New York
2. Jul 20, 2011: Brownian Motion
Go Back To New York
4. Jul 20, 2011: Grace
Neighbor's Goods

Album Review
MC Dizzy Jackson
Reviewed 2011-07-15
Amped-up lo-fi garage blitz rock. This four-piece out of Boston wail on all instruments (drums, guitar, bass, keys) on this 3 song EP. Elements of surf, punk, rockabilly, psychedelia, and grunge. No Detectable FCC’s.

*My Favorites*: All of ‘em.

1. (3:00) Mid / Fast. Drums galore, straight-ahead pure energy, pounding lo-fi garage psyche pop punk. Screechy production, vocals back in the mix.
2. (2:12) Fast. Same as #1 but a bit quicker with drum tambourine strikes, psychobilly.
3. (1:53) Fast. All-out energy, wailing on the drums, great song to play while on the racetrack (or running from the sheriff).

Track Listing
1. Go Back To New York   3. Banned From The Laundromat
2. Neighbor's Goods   .