Steffey, Daniel / Chloros
Album: Chloros   Collection:General
Artist:Steffey, Daniel   Added:Apr 2011
Label:Edgetone Records  

A-File Activity
Add Date: 2011-05-01 Pull Date: 2011-07-03 Charts: Classical/Experimental
Week Ending: Jun 12 Jun 5 May 29 May 8
Airplays: 1 3 1 1

Recent Airplay
1. Jun 11, 2011: Songs: Cantan pts. I & II
4. May 30, 2011: homework muzak
2. Jun 02, 2011: Lost Verses
Radio Piece #6
5. May 26, 2011: Lost Verses
Radio Piece #6
3. May 31, 2011: Bisous Bijoux
Radio Piece #5
6. May 05, 2011: Lost Verses

Album Review
Adam Pearson
Reviewed 2011-04-28
Noise. Radio and sine wave feedback, digital manipulation, and analog distortion. Academic, minimal, experimental compositions utilizing shortwave radio samples, Max/MSP patches, feedback boxes, tape machines, cassette recorders, and an HP oscillator. Experimental with a capital X. This would be a successful dog whistle. For fans of Swedish art house films, pogs, stripes, Frank Rothkamm, and listening to the refrigerator.

*1. Around two minutes of dead air before slight buzzing frequency seeps in, thickens out and ringing, pitch-bending tones circle the carriage while whooshing droning static produces odd harmonics. Ends on a piercing high frequency. (16:37)
*2. Creepy pitch modulating ascending strings, pulsating fuzz and bleeps. Harsh sustained tones. (4:18)
3. Faintish computer minimal buzz, patterned pitch bending off a central tone, builds up slowly and releases similarly. (9:26)
4. Radio static gives way to sounds of technical disasters, frogs morphing into modems and back again, etc. (3:15)
5. Residual radio static, manually turning the dial on a radio from your twisted imagination. (3:27)
6. Overlaid schizo static bloop strangeness. (1:44)
7. Gradual fade in, warped radio samples chugging along, more static. (3:41)
8. Strangely spacey, restrained, uneasy feel, bendy wave feedback.(4:28)
9. Electronic hiss and static fed back through the internet tubes. (2:32)
10. Brief, distant computer noise blips. (1:03)
*11. Settles on a cyclic pattern of distant computer whistling offset by whooshing static, builds in intensity and the ringing modem bombs drop with sequenced, gurgling samples/fuzz. (19:51)

Track Listing
1. (Rsin)F=M   7. Radio Piece #4
2. Collapse   8. Radio Piece #5
3. +Sin(Gliss)P   9. Radio Piece #6
4. Radio Piece #1   10. Radio Piece #7
5. Radio Piece #2   11. Chloros
6. Radio Piece #3   .