Paris Suit Yourself / My Main Shitstain
Album: My Main Shitstain   Collection:General
Artist:Paris Suit Yourself   Added:Mar 2011
Label:Big Dada  

A-File Activity
Add Date: 2012-06-16 Pull Date: 2012-08-19
Week Ending: Jul 22 Jul 1 Jun 24
Airplays: 1 1 1

Recent Airplay
1. Jul 18, 2012: Meow After Midnight
Rolling On
3. Jun 17, 2012: A Family Affair
Rolling On
2. Jun 25, 2012: Bridal Moments
Craig Machinsky

Album Review
Reviewed 2012-06-13
My first instinct is to call this absurdist rock-funk with hip-hop influences, but it may as well be its own genre of weird, scream-spoken rock.   Generally very talented musicianship, but the vocals on this album are bizarre and often unsuitable for airtime.  Favorite tracks: 3, 4, 10.  FCC VIOLATIONS: 2, 5, 7, 8, 12
By Karpediem
1) Intro (1:54): Begins with repetitive drumbeat and gibberish vocals, then synths, chorale, and cowbell.
2) Craig Machinsky (4:37): FCC VIOLATION “suck my dick” at 3:31. Starts with midtempo, discordant piano and vocals that make me think that Dracula is singing. Then slows down, but still sounds like Dracula.
**3) Rollin’ On (3:02): surfy, with a surprising (and cool) bluesy interlude.
**4) Sometimes (2:41): Fuzzy, repetitive guitar. Midtempo.  Sounds oddly like TV on the Radio by the end.
5) John’s Angels (0:59): FCC VIOLATION: “Fucking” at 0:21, 0:35, and 0:48. Slow, organy.
6) Brainwashed (3:12): Fast, fuzzy guitars and driving drumbeat.  French (?) lyrics, spoken.
7) Surprise (4:08): FCC VIOLATION: “shit” at 0:46. Slow, driven by steady bass and drums. Spoken, distorted lyrics. Sexual moaning around 2:45.
8) Lost My Girl (4:13): FCC VIOLATION: “Run bloody nigger run” repeated from 0:57-1:11.  Great bassline.  Starts with just the bassline and vocals that are almost yodeling (sometimes sounding like parrots), then guitar.  Cool interlude (just vocals, then back into intense, fast rock) at about 2:30. 
9) Decadanse (3:23): Heavy distorted guitars, vocals rapped in French.  More yodel-screaming.
**10) Sophie Scholl (3:33): Midtempo.  Cool percussion and guitarwork.  Creepy, sad, supplicating vocals.
11) Yesterday’ll Make You Cry (3:51): Slow crawling track with vocals that actually make me think the singer is in pain.  Actual cries later in the song.
12) Father (4:45): FCC VIOLATION: “fucking asshole” at 1:21, “fuck” at 2:01, “dick” at 2:16. Slow, drum-centric track that unleashes anger at an absent father.  Violins make an appearance in the album.  Recorded sound of someone hocking a loogie around 0:30. Falsetto vocals.
13) Soliloque (4:06): Slow, sparse track. Bass and seductive French vocals.

Track Listing
1. Intro   8. Lost My Girl
2. Craig Machinsky   9. Decadanse
3. Rolling On   10. Sophie Scholl
4. Sometimes   11. Yesterday'll Make You Cry
5. John's Angels   12. Father
6. Brainwashed   13. Soliloque
7. Surprise   .