Dhomont, Francis / Etudes Pour Kafka
Album: Etudes Pour Kafka   Collection:Classical
Artist:Dhomont, Francis   Added:Feb 2011
Label:Empreintes Digitales  

A-File Activity
Add Date: 2011-05-14 Pull Date: 2011-07-16 Charts: Classical/Experimental
Week Ending: Jul 3 Jun 5 May 29
Airplays: 1 1 1

Recent Airplay
1. Jun 29, 2011: bricolage
Premieres Traces Du Choucas
3. May 27, 2011: gilt
A Propos De K
2. May 30, 2011: homework muzak
Brief An Den Vater

Album Review
D. Cannibal
Reviewed 2011-04-29
Francis Dhomont – Etudes pour Kafka
This French composer has brought all intrepid listeners an excellent work, which I must say is a glorious take on the theme of this particular author, Franz Kafka. The stark grimness of his modernist prose is evoked in bizarre, fascinating swirls of tones and soundscapes (vaguely industrial but still ambient) that lures the listener into wondrous bafflement. Essentially structureless etudes, meant for a committed investment to the journey it demands of the audience—this is not to be missed for fans of anything avant-garde.

1. A very gradual crescendo that continually lurks below the surface with a dark, disturbing, sludge-like progression of sounds of all timbres.
2. A much more jarring array of harsh sounds, about as industrial as it gets in places, interspersed with spoken German readings of what I assume is Kafka.
3. A massive, cacophonous symphony.

Track Listing
1. Premieres Traces Du Choucas   3. A Propos De K
2. Brief An Den Vater   .