British Sea Power / Zeus
Album: Zeus   Collection:General
Artist:British Sea Power   Added:Oct 2010
Label:Rough Trade Records  

A-File Activity
Add Date: 2010-12-12 Pull Date: 2011-02-13
Week Ending: Feb 13 Feb 6 Jan 23 Jan 16 Jan 9 Jan 2 Dec 26
Airplays: 2 3 4 1 1 1 2

Recent Airplay
1. Dec 04, 2012: Electrowave
4. Feb 03, 2011: Cut It Out, y'all
Cleaning Out The Rooms
2. Feb 09, 2011: NickAndNoah: TheRadioShow
5. Feb 02, 2011: Nick&Noah: TheRadioShow
3. Feb 08, 2011: Sparks Fly Up
Cleaning Out The Rooms
6. Feb 02, 2011: Hipster Garbage

Album Review
Reviewed 2010-12-05
Dramatic post punk crossed with psych and new wave. This EP is kind of all over the map, but it’s an interesting listen. Sounds a bit like the latest release by These New Puritans, Hidden. Most tracks run long. FCC clean. Try 1, 2, 4.
†1. Up-tempo punk. Vocals usu. overpowered by tremolo guitars. A lot of echo and reverb. Song reinvents itself as it goes: sometimes quick and furious, sometimes AOR-ish.
†2. Midtempo. Strings and thrumming. Apprehensive track, with a lot of echoes and layers of instrumentation. Drums sound like a marching band keeping time. Post punk version of Grizzly Bear’s Veckatimest. Let it play until the end-delicate piano chord outro.
3. Up-tempo punk. Echoe-y vocals and heavily distorted guitars. Repetitive drums and unfocused melody line. 8s of silence @ end.
†4. Downtempo. Power pop crossed with chillwave, then @ 3:30min it morphs into a psychedelic track with dramatic reverb and effects from guitars. Spacey, with long outro (~10s).
5. Downtempo. Sparse instrumentation, with voice, whistling, halting piano, and background noises (is that a typewriter?) 10s. silence @ end.
6. Uptempo post punk. Guitar pedals make quite the appearance. Looping guitar line, ominous distorted vocals and weird sound effects.
7. Uptempo post punk¬/psych. Computerized vocals and tribal drum rhythms. What sounds like computers screeching in the background. Keyboard line. The evil return of HAL.

Track Listing
1. Zeus   4. Bear
2. Cleaning Out The Rooms   5. Pardon My Friends
3. Can We Do It?   6. Mongk
  7. Kw-H