Tame Impala / Innerspeaker
Album: Innerspeaker   Collection:General
Artist:Tame Impala   Added:Jul 2010
Label:Modular Recordings  

A-File Activity
Add Date: 2010-09-26 Pull Date: 2010-11-28
Week Ending: Nov 28 Nov 21 Nov 14 Nov 7 Oct 31 Oct 24 Oct 17 Oct 10
Airplays: 2 1 2 2 4 2 4 1

Recent Airplay
1. Aug 08, 2024: emergency meeting
Runway, Houses, City, Clouds
4. Jul 25, 2021: Wee Animalcules (rebroadcast from Sep 30, 2011)
It Is Not Meant To Be
2. May 24, 2024: Global Ginga
Why Won't You Make Up Your Mind?
5. Jul 17, 2021: Music Casserole (rebroadcast from Aug 29, 2015)
The Bold Arrow Of Time
3. Jul 06, 2023: I Like to Dance: Shake Off Your Pants
Alter Ego
6. Feb 21, 2020: Power Alto Power Hour

Album Review
mr. esq.
Reviewed 2010-09-16
as reviewed by mr. esq.

beatlesque/psyche/power pop.(think:80's psyche revival=got it.)
the beatles influ. is harrison based (g.h.=way underrated.)
elements are def. beatles&psych&power pop. 90's shoe.
there's also a tad of krautrock in it's more mellowy momes'.
RIYL: beatles, ride, barret floyd, shoes, &someone(s) i'm forgetting. i'm not forgetting: this thing is beautiful.

SUGGESTIONS: *1, 3, 4, 5, 7, 8, 11.

*1. real sweet trip! psyche atmos' -into beatles pop. this is
just beautiful. play now.
2. backwards shit goin' on. dreamy -'back&forth.' barret floyd.
*3. BEST TRACK;loopy begin. gets goin' circa 1990 shoegaze (ride)=britty. this is a fucking beaut, the kinda beaut that answers a call to answer a call to action.
(and yes: it is a beautiful day.) sudeen end.
*4. shoes! need shoes! (this really moves.) shooooes!
*5. ALMOST BEST TRACK: in/out psyche out with snaring. now it's gargling. this is really nice. dreeeemmmmy. dreeeeemmmmmy. dreeeemmm-
6. oh those anzi's and their infatuation w/ syd!
*7. jam: a nice sorbet, if you will.
*8. sounds like large springs at first. back to power pop proper. a total beaut. just the earnest sweetness. (shoes gone psych.)
9. lo-fi open. bluesy metallic. and back to dreamy. and back to bluesy metallic. (floyd/blue cheer/cream/vanilla fudge) it's... almost a buried track/another song:synthy endpiece. could act as standalone. really cool&short drone, last min.
10. drugged&dreaming. half expect them to break into 'arnold lane.' it's cool. beach boy harmonies kick in halfway. chillslike.
sudden end. like a teeny tiny atom bomb.
*11. fuck yes! anthemic! (shoes! shoooes!
'shoes? shooooes!', said al bundy before he collapsed.)

Track Listing
1. It Is Not Meant To Be   6. Solitude Is Bliss
2. Desire Be Desire Go   7. Jeremy's Storm
3. Alter Ego   8. Expectation
4. Lucidity   9. The Bold Arrow Of Time
5. Why Won't You Make Up Your Mind?   10. Runway, Houses, City, Clouds
  11. I Don't Really Mind