Felt Bads / Gold
Album: Gold   Collection:General
Artist:Felt Bads   Added:May 2010
Label:Industrial Tech  

A-File Activity
Add Date: 2010-08-08 Pull Date: 2010-10-10
Week Ending: Sep 26 Sep 12 Aug 29 Aug 15
Airplays: 1 2 1 1

Recent Airplay
1. Sep 22, 2010: Brownian Motion
Rockin' All Night Long
4. Aug 25, 2010: Brownian Motion
Love Donkey
2. Sep 11, 2010: Lost Afternoon Delight
Rockin' All Night Long
5. Aug 11, 2010: Brownian Motion
Rockin' All Night Long
3. Sep 08, 2010: Brownian Motion
Rockin' All Night Long

Album Review
Your Imaginary Friend
Reviewed 2010-07-31
Noise rock to end all noise rock. “All songs were recorded on a boom box, on the fly, with no writing or rehearsing. Everything you hear was conceived in the moment” (one-sheet). Oh, no shit?! Very low fi, pounding, noisey catharsis, not for the faint of heart. Band claims inspiration from The Fall, The Frogs, Happy Flowers. I can see that. I don’t think even The Bunny Brains would have the huevos to claim this. Long Island weirdos who hopefully will donate their brains to science. And not necessarily before they die. Use this to weed out the weakling listeners.

1) screamo vocals, midpaced very tom tom drum heavy, pounding
2) spoken word’ish “vocs”, mid paced not as pounding
3) what the fuck? Love music for spastic retards
4) rocking, with vocals guaranteed to empty the room
5) dirty
6) vaguely reminiscent of AC/DC to me, but I’ve taken way too many drugs
7) kinda surfy and distant
8) continuation of previous
9) plodding and silly, almost acoustic

Track Listing
1. Love Donkey   6. Heads Will Roll
2. Ecstasy   7. Boys Home
3. Rockin' All Night Long   8. Journey To The Center Of The Farm
4. Having Sex With A One Horsequeen   9. Mrs. Voipaieff's Swimming Pool
5. Croatian Heavy Metal   .