Headless Household / Post Polka
Album: Post Polka   Collection:General
Artist:Headless Household   Added:Feb 2010
Label:Household Ink  

A-File Activity
Add Date: 2010-02-28 Pull Date: 2010-05-02
Week Ending: Apr 11 Mar 28 Mar 21 Mar 14 Mar 7
Airplays: 1 2 1 1 2

Recent Airplay
1. Apr 10, 2010: Music Cassrole
4. Mar 16, 2010: Ambient Annoyance
We're On Another Level
2. Mar 27, 2010: Music Casserole
Puck's Polka
5. Mar 12, 2010: The Decency Flush
A World Without Polka
3. Mar 21, 2010: The DJ Never Has It
A World Without Polka
6. Mar 05, 2010: The Courtesy Flush
Here's To The Heimlich Maneuver

Album Review
Barbra Anne
Reviewed 2010-02-28
An unabashed polka party with a 2nd degree KZSU connection. It screams pet project yet manages to walk the line between inside-joke goofy and musical moxie. The vocalist has a show-tunes quality, the drums are on the rock side, and of course the sax is all decked out in polka splendor. But to get to the point: these songs are funny. You’ll laugh, you’ll cry, you’ll want to listen to it again and again, and most importantly, you will please the local czech / polish community to no end. Do everyone a favor and give it some love.
No FCC’s
Try: 2, 4, 8, 11(!), 14

1. (5:31) everyone’s invited to the polka party. Upbeat polka dancer.
2. (3:34) “There is something so cold and so bleak about a world without polka.” lyric of the year? More upbeat goodness.
3. (2:41) instrumental jam. Wedge would dig this.
4. (4:52) a female desi arnez does calypso polka about falling in love with a pig. Jams out about half way through.
6. (3:20) slower country waltz duet.
8. (1:44) quick stab of delirious punk polka.
9. (3:31) yes! Upbeat dynamic jig. “party omnivore” is my new favorite word.
10. (5:37) another instrumental jaunt.
11. (4:04) kid-a-polka. Quite pretty.
13. (4:30) ode to the Heimlich Maneuver
14. (5:50) sparse & percussive intro eases itself into a ghostly thump.

Track Listing
1. Days Of The Week   8. Turnip Of The Year
2. A World Without Polka   9. Spencer The Polka Dispenser
3. Wyatt's Burp   10. Picture Of Health
4. Puck's Polka   11. Divertimental
5. Moderate Moderation   12. Splinkety Polka
6. Of Waltzes   13. Here's To The Heimlich Maneuver
7. We're On Another Level   14. Polka