Lushlife / Cassette City
Album: Cassette City   Collection:Hip-hop
Artist:Lushlife   Added:Feb 2010
Label:Rapster Records  

A-File Activity
Add Date: 2010-03-21 Pull Date: 2010-05-23 Charts: Hip-Hop
Week Ending: May 16 May 9 Apr 18 Apr 4 Mar 28
Airplays: 1 1 1 2 7

Recent Airplay
1. Jan 28, 2015: Corey and Cory
The Songbird Athletic
4. Dec 10, 2014: Monkey Barrier
The Songbird Athletic
2. Jan 21, 2015: Corey and Cory
Innocence Reprise
5. Oct 28, 2012: MHz
Meridian Sound
3. Jan 14, 2015: Corey and Cory
The Songbird Athletic
6. May 13, 2010: Morning Glory (sittin' in for JC's Epiphany of Sound)
Innocence Reprise

Album Review
Frank Rodriguez
Reviewed 2010-03-24
Hip-hoppery from Philly. This guy (both instrumentalist and MC) is versed in the classics and is very skilled, reeling of very satisfying east-coast style raps. The beats are very lush, featuring horns and faraway choirs and bright synths. Nothing too new, something nice.

RIYL: Black Milk, Marco Polo, 9th Wonder & Buckshot, Lupe Fiasco, Ezhri, Koushik

1. Intro for the album, really.
2. one of those horny stuttering beats. tight rhymes.
**3. beat's nothing new, and repetitive at that. Some nice rhymes: "went from Pop Warner/to poppin' on the corner"
4. lush instrumental: synth, horns and flute like some random village in Legend of Zelda
5. guest rapper sounds mildly retarded
6. cool booming guest vocals and awesome beat with video gamey leitmotif. No time wasted in the two verses. Feel free to fade out the last minute.
***7. Watch out, haters! Features front man of the Vampire Weekend! aaaaahhhh! starts with some guitar noddling and goes into a beat with a tapping drum. the best raps so far
**8. short melancholy piano rap, with great synth too.
**9. nice... beat like hip-hop Passion Pit?
10. sparkly and yet gritty with the drums
**11. wow, cool horns and sound bites from a movie I once saw about graffitti taggers: one dude that sounds like Ralph Macchio and a Puerto Rican kid
12. finally really packs a song with raps but the beat has a sort of asynchronous piano
13. short track: one very good verse bookend a crooning singer. clanging beat

Track Listing
1. Innocence   8. Meridian Sound (Part Two)
2. Daylight Into Me   9. In Soft Focus
3. The Kindness   10. The Fall Of The Light Brigade
4. Meridian Sound   11. Innocence Reprise
5. Another Word For Paradise   12. Bottle Rocket
6. Until The Sun Dies   13. Meridian Sound (Part Three)
7. The Songbird Athletic   .