Worrg / Prison Story
Album: Prison Story   Collection:General
Artist:Worrg   Added:Jan 2010
Label:Slusaj Najglasnije!  

A-File Activity
Add Date: 2011-03-06 Pull Date: 2011-05-08
Week Ending: Apr 24 Mar 13
Airplays: 1 1

Recent Airplay
1. Apr 19, 2011: Bisous Bijoux
2. Mar 09, 2011: Brownian Motion
Choir Noir

Album Review
metal dude
Reviewed 2011-03-04

Worrg Prison Story review & thoughts by Metal Dude 03/03/11
Track #1 Freedomatic/ Crazy Techno dance, drums, cool scratching , maracas, cajun horn, keyboards,
tropical background rain forest Track #2 Electric Chair/ Keyboards sparatic robot sounds techno
dance crazy drum beats Track #3 Sluty / More techno sctatching repeating female voices more drums
keyboards Track #4 Physically Condemed or Intermed / Very short Track male voices more electric
techno sounds crazy dance music mostly keyboard Track #5 Suspect/ Female voices white noise more
robot & mechinical rythm ends with nude man yes I took all my clothes off thats how crazy it is

Track #6 Choir noir/ Jungle drum beats scrachting white noise tribal voices lot of keyboards,
dance, techno all in one Track #7 Live / Crazy drum beat very suttle relaxing more robot sounds
electric guitar? Short fast track ends suddenly more techno Track #8 Escape/ more drumming more
keyboards fast beat robot sounds sqeaks & scratches this track is rather silly more sound affects
dancing robot music Track #9 Love Hunter/ Heavy intro white noise scratching ends with robot drum solo
Track #10 Pametan I Lud/ More dance music crazy male voices could be croatian, more drums keyboards
no robotsTrack #11 4m/ Robot voices male voices techno dance white noise drums crazy beats

Track Listing
1. Freedomatic   7. Jive
2. Electric Chair   8. Escape
3. Sluty   9. Lovehunter
4. Physically Confined Or Interned   10. Pametan I Lud
5. Suspect   11. 4m
6. Choir Noir   .