La Vieja Guardia / La Vieja Guardia
Album: La Vieja Guardia   Collection:General
Artist:La Vieja Guardia   Added:Dec 2009
Label:I Scream Records  

A-File Activity
Add Date: 2009-12-20 Pull Date: 2010-02-21 Charts: Loud
Week Ending: Feb 14 Feb 7 Jan 10
Airplays: 1 1 2

Recent Airplay
1. Feb 13, 2010: Bloodstains Across Atherton-How Black IS My Sabbath?
Pa' La Calle
3. Jan 09, 2010: Bloodstains Across Atherton-This Ist Uh....Wow!
Descarga Violenta
2. Feb 02, 2010: Probability Special
Pa' La Calle
4. Jan 07, 2010: A2Z
Descarga Violenta

Album Review
Ragnar of Ravensfjord
Reviewed 2009-12-29
Very big sounding, cleanly produced Hardcore from Miami en español with a strong NYHC influence. Athough the dedication on the back seems to be focused on obscure hardcore bands from the late 80’s & early 90’s like Powerhouse. In all basic & super catchy tunes that get to the point right away. The band name in English = “The Old Guard”.

(((((1))))) Wailing fast guitar and tough vocals, good riffing and gang vocals.
((((2)))) Slow to fast, lots of bass & gang chorus, anti-religious tune (I think from my half-ass translation).
(((3))) Clunky, slow-to eventually fast chug ‘ala later-era Suicidal Tendencies or a lazy Brujeria.
((((4)))) Drum & bassy intro, chug-chugs & charges along nicely. Reminds me of Agnostic Front a bit.
(((((5))))) Really awesome start with a barrage of bass & drumming and aggressive riffs & vocals. Plus some good breakdowns.

Track Listing
1. Pa' La Calle   4. Hialeah Deathstomp
2. Entre Hermanos   5. Descarga Violenta
3. Moyugba Ache   .