Granelli, Jerry V16 / Vancouver '08
Album: Vancouver '08   Collection:Jazz
Artist:Granelli, Jerry V16   Added:Oct 2009
Label:Songlines Recordings  

A-File Activity
Add Date: 2010-02-07 Pull Date: 2010-04-11 Charts: Jazz
Week Ending: Apr 11 Apr 4 Mar 21 Feb 21 Feb 14
Airplays: 1 1 2 1 2

Recent Airplay
1. Aug 03, 2024: Music Casserole
Dizzy Moods
4. Apr 02, 2010: Memory Select
The Truth
2. Jun 15, 2024: Music Casserole
The Truth
5. Mar 20, 2010: Music Casserole
Brutto Ma Buono
3. Apr 08, 2010: Memory Select
Brutto Ma Buono
6. Mar 19, 2010: Memory Select
Brutto Ma Buono

Album Review
Reviewed 2010-01-17
Like slow rockin' blues put through an avant-jazz filter: The electric guitars suggest rock, but the melodies are based on the complexities of jazz, and of course you've got open-ended improv segments too. Tempos stay slow; don't expect Sonny Sharrock. It's got too much blues fire to be called "prog," but then again, you'd be set *on* fire if you played it in a blues club; it's too slow and often too abstract for that. Instrumental; FCC clean.

If you're not into "jazz," go straight for track 9 for some country twang (and country gloom), or to 6 for an outright pretty guitar essay. My faves were 2 and 4.

David Tronzo -- electric slide guitar
Christian Kogel -- electric guitar
J. Anthony Granelli -- electric bass
Jerry Granelli -- drums

1- Peaceful, but with a blaring guitar sound. Gets into slow, slow, glooping improv-fusion.
2- A slow rock stomp
3- Delicate bobbing, rhythmic and small and cute. Gets louder for a friendly folk-rocky vibe
4- Calm, jazzy guitar figure. Whispery/stormy drum solo, then some abstract guitar weirdness.
5- Slow and sad, sometimes with a big emotional sound.
6- Ahhh, floaty and placid. Pretty.
7- A bit proggy, based on a pattering riff. Breaks into open/free improv later.
8- Four minutes of quiet guitar skimming. Then suddenly, a reggae-like, snappy beat, very catchy mon.
9- Downcast Americana rock, quite slow but juicy.
10- An open-aired bluesiness. Slow, disjoint, lots of drum madness. Starts sparse but gets louder and more involved as it goes on. And it's a Mingus cover.
11- A meditiation on drums, mostly brushes.

Track Listing
1. Planting   6. Udon Waltz
2. The Truth   7. Unnamed
3. Flipper   8. Steel Eyed Blues
4. Brutto Ma Buono   9. Murder Ballad
5. Wellfare   10. Dizzy Moods
  11. Do You Know What It Means To Miss New Orleans