Dufus / In Monstrous Attitude
Album: In Monstrous Attitude   Collection:General
Artist:Dufus   Added:Oct 2009

A-File Activity
Add Date: 2010-04-11 Pull Date: 2010-06-13
Week Ending: Jun 13 May 9 May 2 Apr 25 Apr 18
Airplays: 1 1 1 1 2

Recent Airplay
1. Nov 29, 2016: Waste FM
Stuck In A Room
4. Apr 28, 2010: Brownian Motion
Adjoining Bedrooms
2. Jun 06, 2010: The DJ Never Has It
Bring Maple
5. Apr 18, 2010: The DJ Never Has It
Monkey Crusader
3. May 05, 2010: Sunshine ... In The Afternoon
Don't Let It Go, Adjoining Bedrooms, Anouk, Stuck In A Room
6. Apr 15, 2010: Derivatives
Don't Let It Go

Album Review
Rhonda Goodman
Reviewed 2010-04-01
Very weird anti-folk/pop. Apparently, this is a movement that has been around for a few years. The music is chaotic, subversive, and dissonant. Weird vocals, big instrumental sounds, big riffs - irritating and funky at the same time. The bands saves their crazy music for instrumentals. Songs with vocals have a more standard song structure. This group has been compared to Zappa and Captain Beefheart. Anyone into this type of music will love this CD. FCC VIOLATIONS: DO NOT PLAY 5, 8. See 4, 14.
Reviewed by Rhonda Goodman, March 2010

1. crash of many instruments - dissonant
2. more standard song structure - medium tempo without the big sound.
3. Asian-influenced instrumental - lasts less than 1 minute.
4. standard song structure - vocals sound like an echo behind it - good song - at time vocals are without music.
6. strong vocals, music driven by bass guitar and drums
7. sounds like different guitars playing different rhythms at moments throughout the song - instrumental selection
9. cacophony of instruments clear from the start - vocals unclear, more like moaning - more of an instrumental selection
10. sounds like an restructured Irish song
11. clash of instruments and vocals - instrumental selection
12. sounds like alternative punk
13. same as #11

Track Listing
1. Stuck In A Room   8. Speak In Whispers
2. Anouk   9. Wood Light
3. Adjoining Bedrooms   10. Monkey Crusader
4. Don't Let It Go   11. Boris And His Felt
5. Farting Without Fear   12. Bring Maple
6. Metal Horses   13. The What Ifs
7. Oh Brian, Come Back   .