Chen Santa Maria / Chen Santa Maria
Album: Chen Santa Maria   Collection:General
Artist:Chen Santa Maria   Added:Aug 2009
Label:Shit On  

A-File Activity
Add Date: 2009-12-20 Pull Date: 2010-02-21 Charts: Classical/Experimental
Week Ending: Feb 21 Feb 7 Jan 24 Jan 17 Jan 10 Jan 3 Dec 27
Airplays: 1 4 1 1 1 1 2

Recent Airplay
1. Feb 15, 2010: Poor Life Decisions
Tic Taxed
4. Feb 02, 2010: Probability Special
Tic Taxed, Condominium
2. Feb 05, 2010: Memory Select
5. Jan 31, 2010: kzsu
3. Feb 04, 2010: orangeasm
You're Sunk
6. Jan 23, 2010: lost and found

Album Review
Reviewed 2009-12-10

chen santa maria

wristcuttingly bleak, desperate, scratchy, creepy low end noise with definite rhythmic pulse. if an electro 45 was played at 8 rpm, and then scratched like hell, and then you were listening to it on the radio under a bridge and it got staticy, this word work. im listening to this in an airport right now, and it is doing the exact opposite of eon's music for airports, i want to gouge out people's eyes and cannibalize the uninvited member of this love triangle in rhode island, while smacking the lady who just texted me she had hella bedbugs to this music.

1- vast low end with an unsettling pseudorelectrowarble and rising brooding crunch

2-deep pulse oscillating pulse w. an eerie synthline in the same vein as richard d james creepier ambient works

3- squeaky & crunchy torture chamber electro noise

4- misery plod through dark evil twisted beat alley

5- twangy westerntinge to this industrial doomscape

6-nails on chalkboard style scratching w/ low end gives way to evil static tearing sound

7-just pure evil bass and static

Track Listing
1. Condominium   5. Ping Polo
2. Tic Taxed   6. Slugless
3. Insides Out   7. You're Sunk
4. Chripin'   .