Korein, George / Another Corpse
Album: Another Corpse   Collection:General
Artist:Korein, George   Added:Jul 2009
Label:Majmua Music  

A-File Activity
Add Date: 2009-12-27 Pull Date: 2010-02-28 Charts: Classical/Experimental
Week Ending: Feb 21 Feb 7 Jan 31 Jan 24 Jan 17 Jan 10 Jan 3
Airplays: 1 2 1 4 4 2 2

Recent Airplay
1. Jul 15, 2010: Value Machine
Flying Corpse: Acceleration
4. Feb 03, 2010: Brownian Motion
Gleaming Corpse Iii
2. Feb 17, 2010: Brownian Motion
Gleaming Corpse I
5. Jan 27, 2010: Brownian Motion
Flying Corpse: Acceleration
3. Feb 06, 2010: lost and found
Gleaming Corpse I
6. Jan 23, 2010: lost and found
Flying Corpse: Liftoff

Album Review
Your Imaginary Friend
Reviewed 2009-12-21
“A study in Grey Metal ambience, noise and texture” (ahem, Brick alert!!). Guy from Infidel?/Castro?, Naked Mall Rats et al gives us what sounds at first like simple analog synth noise but on further listen becomes a distillation of all things noise made of synths, then later on incorporates other instruments. Nothing here to harsh your mellow (er, at least like a Jliat… eh track 6 might) and sorry, no blissout drones either. But somehow this works on both of those levels at the same time.. He has help on this from people from Espers, Time of Orchids/PAK and Liz Walsh and toward the end the tracks incorporate bass, percussion and other tastefully contributed textures, all good, nothing gratuitous or “gee my girlfriend showed up and we handed her some pots and pans”.

1) simple pulse wave freq modulated sawtooth wave (i.e. up down up down tones), then it gets more “complex” but goddamn if this doesn’t really work!!
2) somewhat harsh tones at first, give way to a dreamy pleasant wash, then they both join in together, perfection
3) analog synth feel once more, gets buzzy
4) pensive, expect it to either get dark and heavy or melodic but keeps you hanging
5) pretty close to a drone: a harsh wave
6) a drum bashout with harsh synths for first half, wake up your roommate and get a black eye to start the day (last part is synth tones)
7) this one qualifies as a dark noise full composition, very layered and goes through “moods”, if you will
8) higher pitche metallic whine
9) appropriately titled: squawking and sinking
10) brief, Gregorian chant from hell, as if the singers have never been laid, by a woman at least
11) brief: chill, sorta, but strange pensive if musical, again a perfect interlude
12) pensive bass, swirling effects, quite cool almost musical 13) noise rock qualifications, good noisey stuff
14) a mindful rhythmic study in minimalism noise, huh? Yes, check it
15) almost musical, chill noise rock, slip this in between Death Cab and Sigur Ros and watch the web streams crash, or slip it between Sonic Youth and KK Rampage and watch them skyrocket

Track Listing
1. Gleaming Corpse I   9. Squawking Sinking
2. Singsong Corpse I   10. Flying Corpse: Liftoff
3. Gleaming Corpse Ii   11. Flying Corpse: Peak Altitude
4. Singsong Corpse Ii   12. Flying Corpse: Evasive Maneuvers
5. Gleaming Corpse Iii   13. Flying Corpse: Acceleration
6. Pulsing Corpse   14. Flying Corpse: Crash Landing
7. Rotodrone Encroaching!   15. Flying Corpse: Flying Corpse Flies Again
8. Squawking Corpse Rotodrone   .