Fun Years, The / Baby It's Cold Inside
Album: Baby It's Cold Inside   Collection:General
Artist:Fun Years, The   Added:May 2009
Label:Barge Recordings  

A-File Activity
Add Date: 2009-05-31 Pull Date: 2009-08-02 Charts: Classical/Experimental
Week Ending: Jul 19 Jul 5 Jun 28 Jun 21 Jun 14 Jun 7
Airplays: 2 3 3 1 3 3

Recent Airplay
1. Jul 15, 2009: Brownian Motion
My Lowville
4. Jul 02, 2009: orangeasm
Fucking Milwaukee's Been Hesher Forever
2. Jul 14, 2009: Hipster Garbage
My Lowville
5. Jul 01, 2009: Hipster Garbage
The Surge Is Working
3. Jul 03, 2009: Trailways
My Lowville
6. Jun 26, 2009: Emphysema For Emphasis
Fucking Milwaukee's Been Hesher Forever

Album Review
Adam Pearson
Reviewed 2009-05-20
Experimental, droney, sometimes minimalist electronic soundscapes with touches of shoegaze and post-rock. Narcotic, bliss-out, vicodin, etc. Slow, brooding pieces that incorporate harsh, dark layers of manipulated guitars, synths, and effects to the crackling of vinyl. Beautifully depressing, lush stuff here. Huge, open spaces filled by low-end drone and instruments that are hard to even detect. A reviewer put it well; it is hard to distinguish what it is that you are hearing. Play this late at night and send the masses on a trip. Bonus points for playing the whole thing. Recommended for people who like music. No FCCs.

1. Vinyl crackles slowly fade into meditative guitar, atmospheric whooshing effects and a touch of tense, rhythmic distorted shoegaze seeps in. Sampling behind gorgeous, droney, lush synths? Slow release, fades into 2. (10:54)
2. Eerie piano opens, dreamy, echoey guitar comes in. This one builds off the opening refrain in intensity to a circular, rhythmic, climax, and drifts into electronics, as it fades into 3. (7:11)
3. Continues the glitchy loop 2 ended on, subtle, melodic atmospherics, trippy effects-laden guitars are looped and other layers of synths and melodic noise is layered. (10:31)
4. Bass from 3 still plods underneath. Dark waves of noise slink in and out. A dark, full, pounding drone with sparse minimalism on top. Interesting exercise in ‘less is more.’(7:03)
5. Most intense track, guitars are forefront and play off of rhythmic, cyclical whooshing sounds. Tense, builds to an angular wall of distorted guitars, kind of post-rocky, and abruptly drops out. The rest of the track is low end refrain, samples, frightening sounds, while chugging guitars are muted and then brought in for another wall of trippy distortion. (8:14)

Track Listing
1. My Lowville   3. Fucking Milwaukee's Been Hesher Forever
2. Auto Show Day Of The Dead   4. We're Again Buried Under
  5. The Surge Is Working