Israel M / Nareah
Album: Nareah   Collection:General
Artist:Israel M   Added:Apr 2009
Label:Aagoo Records  

A-File Activity
Add Date: 2009-06-21 Pull Date: 2009-08-23
Week Ending: Aug 2 Jul 26 Jul 12 Jul 5 Jun 28
Airplays: 1 1 2 2 3

Recent Airplay
1. Aug 01, 2009: lost and found
4. Jul 07, 2009: Hipster Garbage (Vicodin Music Hour)
2. Jul 23, 2009: The Alternatives
5. Jul 04, 2009: Music Casserole
3. Jul 10, 2009: Trailways
6. Jul 01, 2009: Hipster Garbage

Album Review
Truc Nguyen
Reviewed 2009-06-21
Israel M – Nareah
Experimental, minimalist, droning, interesting…pretentious. Barren landscape of sound with few flourishes. FCC Clean.
1. 3:22 Niza – Silent beginning with sharp beeping sound until 1:00 dissonant background and feedback. Ends with trickling, rainforest like sounds.
2. 5:36 Lirbha – Metallic tapping and rolling sounds build up and fall away. Chirping noises accompany towards the end.
3. 15:35 *** Mitah – Lengthy dark track. Combines glitchy sounds and percussive disruption with repetitive piano chords.
4. 10:58 Dunhia – More droning. Pulsing background; ominous. Wind-like noise makes up second half along with city sounds.
5.7:05 ** Riahah – Sounds like someone wading through water at beginning, gets more peaceful at 1:30 becomes more spacey and ends with an eerie silence. Gets silent at 6:50.
6. 2:18 Hima – Drone of rippling sounds.

Track Listing
1. Niza   4. Dunhia
2. Lirbha   5. Riaiah
3. Mitah   6. Hima