Fast 'n' Bulbous / Waxed Oop
Album: Waxed Oop   Collection:General
Artist:Fast 'n' Bulbous   Added:Mar 2009
Label:Cuneiform Records  

A-File Activity
Add Date: 2010-05-02 Pull Date: 2010-07-04
Week Ending: Jun 13 Jun 6 May 30 May 23 May 16 May 9
Airplays: 2 1 1 3 2 1

Recent Airplay
1. Nov 20, 2010: the seductradation of the peanut shells
Trust Us
4. Jun 05, 2010: Music Casserole
China Pig (Bonus Track)
2. Jun 12, 2010: the denial hour
You Know You're A Man
5. May 26, 2010: Brownian Motion
Dropout Boogie
3. Jun 11, 2010: The Songsmith Show
Dropout Boogie
6. May 21, 2010: The Songsmith Show
Smithsonian Institute Blues

Album Review
Red West
Reviewed 2010-04-27
Septet revisits catalog of Captain Beefheart turning out original-sounding covers. Lively jazzy, bluesy prog. Instrumentals except for 13,the live bonus track which features Robyn Hitchcock
Liner notes give good descriptions of these.. All tracks great

1. Great solo steel guitar instrumental, folk-blues
2.Swinging littlest big-band with a middle-eastern, prog sound. Only vocals are “9 to 5” chant around halfway point, after which it kicks into overdrive.
3.Squonky horns wail over guitars
4.swinging rock, straight-ahead guitar with sax singing getting started with smoke in the air. Lots of wah at the end
6.quiet intro, spacey echo, ambient. Builds to a solitary defiance
7.easygoing (manic end). A little wacky trumpet solo in here..
8.rock, mid-fast, guitars in lead, no horns
9.horns & percussion only in first third, Beth Custer/Moondog-esque. Guitar-only section in 2nd half. Mid-slow, some interesting rhythms.
10.crazed beat poetry low in mix
11.Horns having a party, quoting “Joy To the World” over rounds then grooving with guitar.
12.relaxing travels
13.Live recording. Weird blues, just steel guitar and vocal.

Track Listing
1. Sure Nuff 'n' Yes I Do   8. Click Clack/Ice Cream For Crow
2. Trust Us   9. Woe-Is-Uh-Me-Bop
3. Smithsonian Institute Blues   10. The Blimp
4. Dropout Boogie   11. The Past Sure Is Tense
5. You Know You're A Man   12. Blabber 'n' Smoke
6. Well   13. China Pig (Bonus Track)
7. Ice Rose   .