Waristerror Terroriswar / Thebrutalrealityofmodernbrutality
Album: Thebrutalrealityofmodernbrutality   Collection:General
Artist:Waristerror Terroriswar   Added:Dec 2008
Label:Edgetone Records  

A-File Activity
Add Date: 2009-01-25 Pull Date: 2009-03-29
Week Ending: Mar 1 Feb 22 Feb 15 Feb 8 Feb 1
Airplays: 1 3 1 1 1

Recent Airplay
1. Feb 28, 2009: Lost and Found
Honor Is Often Found On The Battlefield But
4. Feb 17, 2009: Reelin' in the Years
This Is A Plea To Stop The Bloodshed This Is
2. Feb 18, 2009: Brownian Motion
It's Not Been Said Here Just Right
5. Feb 13, 2009: Pants down in the Oval Office
This Is A Plea To Stop The Bloodshed This Is
3. Feb 18, 2009: The Heart of KZSU
This Is A Plea To Stop The Bloodshed This Is
6. Feb 07, 2009: Lost and Found
This Is A Plea To Stop The Bloodshed This Is

Album Review
Reviewed 2009-01-18
Yes, it's sarcastically sung antiwar tunes with Jonathan Richman-on-coke/opiates vocals. Some post-punk influence as well as no wavey DNA-like noodling improv in parts. Also some moments sound disjointed like Actoon. Most songs are based around piano. Definitely give track 8 a listen, even if this isn't your thing. FCC: 4, 11

*1. Urban tribalism -> antiwar piano hoedown!
2. Alternates between unison marching post-punk and piano-led rockouts.
3. Piano ballad with drums turns into a DNA song and then shakes it off and continues and then turns into DNA again to end.
4. Bass, piano, vocals trip along. Sort of like that Serbian* band Actoon. FCC "fucking" at the end.
*5. Quick and light piano with lazily sarcastic vocals about revolution.
*6. Sparse, bluesy piano/guitar/drums all galumph to nowhere. Vocals that are too lazy to get up off the fucking couch.
7. Noodle noodle noodle. Vocals get dragged off that couch. If you're in the mood...
**8. 'Spoken word' piece: stoners change the world!
9. Vocal sample is messed with, drums, shit being broken, improv in the DNA way.
10. 50 seconds of silence
11. Another piano ballad. Silly verses about his lack of musicality loop over and over for 19 mins. Goes quiet for a few seconds, then comes back in several different times. Someone's gotta play it. Ends in static. FCC: fucking at 15:26 remaining, 10:28 remaining, 5:30 remaining, 0:30 remaining

Track Listing
1. It's Not Been Said Here Just Right   6. Ultimately Devestating For Everybody
2. Destruction And Horror In The Way   7. Warriors Have Often Fought For Noble Reasons And
3. This Is My Attempt To Speak More Eloquently...   8. Honor Is Often Found On The Battlefield But
4. It's Written Between The Lines Of Dead Bodies!   9. We Can't Do This To Ourselves Anymore
5. This Is A Plea To Stop The Bloodshed This Is   10. On This Path We Will Soon Find Nothing
  11. Except One Last Blast Dance Of Terror