Port O'brien / All We Could Do Was Sing
Album: All We Could Do Was Sing   Collection:General
Artist:Port O'brien   Added:May 2008
Label:(No Label Information)  

A-File Activity
Add Date: 2008-06-15 Pull Date: 2008-08-17
Week Ending: Aug 3 Jul 27 Jul 20 Jul 13 Jul 6 Jun 29 Jun 22
Airplays: 1 2 2 1 2 3 2

Recent Airplay
1. Jan 06, 2009: I once was Canadian (Best of the Bay 2008)
I Woke Up Today
4. Jul 20, 2008: Mmm...Tastes Like Candy!
I Woke Up Today
2. Jul 29, 2008: I once was Canadian
I Woke Up Today
5. Jul 15, 2008: i once was canadian
I Woke Up Today
3. Jul 22, 2008: Time Traveler
Close The Lid
6. Jul 15, 2008: Time Traveler
Close The Lid

Album Review
Reviewed 2009-01-04
LOCAL seafaring indie folk music. The band splits its time between the Bay Area and Alaska where they're involved in the fishing industry. Van, the main singer/ songwriter, works on his dad's fishing boat off of Kodiak Island. Many sea and fishing themes show up in the music. Often times songs have acoustic guitar, banjo, group singing and interesting percussion. Good stuff.

-Adrian FCC: 4
My picks: 1, 3, 10

1. rollicking and addictive, upbeat (but dark) w/ group singing, guitar, pots, pans
2. med-slow. starts slowly and with m vox + electric guitar and then builds to fuller sound and group vox.
3. mid-tempo. fingerpicked guitar. drums, strings, banjo later. nice melancholy song.
4. slow. guitar and strings.
5. med-slow.
6. med-slow. electric guitars. vocals on the howling side. song goes into guitar solo section.
7. med-slow. acoustic guitar and more fragile vocals.
8. med-slow. guitar, banjo drums. ends early (0:41 left) then goes into radio recording
9. med-slow. acoustic guitar and banjo. f vox.
10. med-fast. electric guitar, tambourine, m vox. gets rowdy later.
11. med-slow. demo-sounding. fragile. acoustic + vox + strange glurging sounds.

Track Listing
1. I Woke Up Today   6. Pigeonhold
2. Stuck On A Boat   7. Will You Be There?
3. Fisherman's Son   8. The Rooftop Song
4. Don't Take My Advice   9. In Vino Veritas
5. Alive For Nothing   10. Close The Lid
  11. Valdez