Foot Village / Foot Village
Album: Foot Village   Collection:General
Artist:Foot Village   Added:Feb 2008
Label:Death Bomb Arc  

A-File Activity
Add Date: 2008-02-10 Pull Date: 2008-04-13 Charts: Classical/Experimental
Week Ending: Mar 9 Mar 2 Feb 24 Feb 17
Airplays: 1 1 2 1

Recent Airplay
1. Mar 05, 2008: Brownian Motion
Great Britain And The Bermuda Rebellion
4. Feb 20, 2008: Radio Show
Great Britain And The Bermuda Rebellion
2. Mar 01, 2008: public noize racket
Great Britain And The Bermuda Rebellion
5. Feb 12, 2008: The Wonder Girls of Canada
Great Britain And The Bermuda Rebellion
3. Feb 23, 2008: On The Warpath
Great Britain And The Bermuda Rebellion

Album Review
Your Imaginary Friend
Reviewed 2008-02-05
Aside from track 12, this is a bunch of full on bash out drums and yelling, like the Extra Action Marching Band with only the drummers going completely insane. Good in small doses. Interestingly, track 12 is completely unlike the rest, a droney noisey electronic thing that is quite nice. I guess this had to be done, so here you go.

1) drumming, shouting, turns into an intense bashout
2) this one is a pounding rhythm with a crazed chant “theres no turning back!”, loud, intense
3) pounding with some obtuse spoken word stuff, crazy and sorta annoying
4) a lot of yelling
5) brief, lots of chants, bashing
6) bashing, yelling
7) quiet, bashout, then quiet etc
8-15) full on bashout
12) droney electronics, pleasant

Track Listing
1. Brazil   9. Iran
2. Great Britain And The Bermuda Rebellion   10. Antarctica
3. World Fantasy   11. Ehtiopia
4. Egypt   12. Antarctica (Pete Swanson Remix)
5. Wher Ever The Fuck Arnold Schwarzenegger's From   13. Japan
6. Guatamala   14. Mexico
7. Korea   15. Peru, Austria, And Canada
8. Isle Of Man   .