Khann / Tofutopia
Album: Tofutopia   Collection:General
Artist:Khann   Added:Dec 2007
Label:Blackmarket Activities  

A-File Activity
Add Date: 2008-01-06 Pull Date: 2008-03-10 Charts: Loud
Week Ending: Mar 9 Feb 24 Feb 17 Feb 3 Jan 27 Jan 20 Jan 13
Airplays: 1 1 2 3 1 3 2

Recent Airplay
1. Mar 08, 2008: Bloodstains Across Atherton - Yeah That One!
4. Feb 13, 2008: Brownian Motion
2. Feb 20, 2008: Brownian Motion
5. Feb 02, 2008: Bloodstains Across Atherton - 2/3 ish
3. Feb 13, 2008: Baptism of Solitude
Himalayan Green
6. Jan 30, 2008: Baptism of Solitude (favorite punk, metal and hardcore of 2007)
Pralay, Himalayan Green, Meteor

Album Review
Reviewed 2008-02-01
KHANN - "Tofutopia" CD (Blackmarket)
Pummeling post-metal, hardcore, and metalcore. Very melodic in places in the way PELICAN is but also heavy like ISIS or INTRONAUT. There are some heavy hardcore sound not unlike CONVERGE. They change speeds a good bit going from very slow melodic selections to borderline grindcore. The more I listen to this the more I realize the eclectic-ness of this metal. It's a mish-mash of a lot of different heavy sounds.
**1-3. 1. Short fade in ambiance that runs into track 2. Short borderline grindcore that runs into track 3. More speedy heavy sounds that continue from track 2. Play tracks 1-3 together.
4. Melodic slower track that reminds me of PELICAN or INTRONAUT. Rocks for the last minute or so.
5. Noisy, slow, short pummeling with screams.
6. Discordant and slow.
**7. Short, fast, brutal, with frantic vocals. Fuck yeah.
8. Slow and more melodic with pained vocals. Ends mellow.
**9. Short and brutally heavy.
**10. Metalcore heaviness. Slight techie sound. Slight black metal sound?
11. Discordant guitar, lots of different sounds, noisy. Quiets down towards the end.
12. Heavy and pummeling but doesn't seem to have a direction.
13. Slow, heavy and pummeling with an extended melodic section.
**14. Fast, heavy and short.
**15. Lots of drums into wonderful chaos.
**16. Borderline grindcore.
17. Melodic intro into a medium paced pummeling.
18. Slow, just guitar and bass intro. Emo vocals before the drums come in.
19. Slow pummeling and longer. Thrashy metal riffs. Guitar noise breakdown into guitar noodling and improve with lots of silence.
Really good stuff. -mph

Track Listing
1. Meteor   10. Quarantined
2. Himalayan Green   11. Silver Mouth
3. Pralay   12. Leeches
4. Anodynic Spheres   13. Volcanic Lungs Part I
5. Cleanse   14. Volcanic Lungs Part Ii
6. Black Water Permeates   15. Apprehension
7. Charisma   16. Ignorance
8. Bird   17. Squall
9. Tofutopia   18. Lament
  19. The Lone Hum