Necroanal / Redsk Vs. Necroanal Shit Split
Album: Redsk Vs. Necroanal Shit Split   Collection:General
Artist:Necroanal   Added:May 2007
Label:Non Quality Audio  

A-File Activity
Add Date: 2007-06-03 Pull Date: 2007-08-05 Charts: Classical/Experimental
Week Ending: Jul 8 Jul 1 Jun 17
Airplays: 1 1 1

Recent Airplay
1. Mar 31, 2008: Emphysema For Emphasis
Necroanal- Personification Of A Dingleberry
3. Jun 28, 2007: Emphysema For Emphasis
Necroanal- This Song Is A Pile Of Hot Steamy Fecal Matter!!!, Necroanal- Personification Of A Dingleberry
2. Jul 05, 2007: Emphysema For Emphasis
Necroanal- Lord Of Shit (Will You Be My Friend)
4. Jun 12, 2007: Out of the Spring/Into the Nada/Redemption
Necroanal- On Tiny Crappy Brick In The Tower Of Turds

Album Review
Your Imaginary Friend
Reviewed 2007-05-13
Brutal power noise. Epic. Necroanal establishes himself as king of the mountain of corpses that he has built, using Massimo’s hollowed and dried one as his own personal semen storage unit, dressing up Merzbow in a catholic schoolgirl outfit and abusing her (him) at will, reducing NON and Solmania and Kevin Drumm to mere altar boys ripe for his picking. Play this if you want to know what all music and sound reduces to, distills to when its dead, and is cranked at the world’s loudest volume. This stuff should come with an MSDS (“materials safety data sheet” for those of you who don’t handle toxic materials on a daily basis).

FCC clean: All songs brutal, painful, not worth a track by track but these are my highlights, recommendations:

2) good low end extreme pummeling
4) over the top
6) brutal low distortions
10) there are these strange subliminal sounds in this one (or maybe its just my brain)
14) a beautiful midrange overtone is panned subtley in parts of this, the overdrive starts to sound like you can lick it
17) this sounds like him sitting watching tv on, seriously, its just tv sounds tuning in and out, its totally quiet in comparison, weird

bill c.

(a final note: if you listen to this in its entirety on your ipod/earbuds by the end it makes perfect sense and is the definition of beauty. You don’t see god or nuthin though. You need acid to do that)

Track Listing
1. Redsk Shits For The Queen's Cat (Part 1)   10. Necroanal- Personification Of A Dingleberry
2. Necroanal- On Tiny Crappy Brick In The Tower Of Turds   11. Redsk- Does Anyone Even This Shit Seriously?
3. Redsk- My Leige (Of Poooooooooo!)   12. Necroanal- The Fabulous Excrement Flavoured Icecream
4. Necroanal- Lord Of Shit (Will You Be My Friend)   13. Redsk- The Oddity Of Nigger Dookie (That Shit Is Pale, Yo!)
5. Redsk- We'll All Have On Fucking Shit Of A Time   14. Necroanal- Dung Duh Da Dung Duuuuunnnngggg!!!!
6. Necroanal- This Song Is A Pile Of Hot Steamy Fecal Matter!!!   15. Redsk- Since When Did "Poo" Become A Common Suffix To Add To Any Anme To Make It
7. Redsk- Some Animals Reproduce In Spores Of Feces   16. Necroanal- Dis Be Da Shit
8. Necroanal- Ode To Doodoo   17. Redsk- All The Crap You Find On The Fm Radio
9. Redsk- Hey ...Thats The Sound Of Shit   .