Kk Rampage / Without Feelings
Album: Without Feelings   Collection:General
Artist:Kk Rampage   Added:Apr 2007
Label:Rampage Recordings  

A-File Activity
Add Date: 2007-06-03 Pull Date: 2007-08-05
Week Ending: Aug 5 Jul 22 Jul 15 Jul 8 Jul 1 Jun 24 Jun 17 Jun 10
Airplays: 1 1 2 1 4 2 2 2

Recent Airplay
1. Aug 02, 2007: At Your Local Dive
Soft Dreams, Whispering
4. Jul 11, 2007: Brownian Motion
Soft Dreams, Whispering
2. Jul 18, 2007: Adventurer's Choice
Soft Dreams, Whispering
5. Jul 04, 2007: Firelabors
3. Jul 12, 2007: Fiction Romance
Nice To Meet You
6. Jun 30, 2007: Cognitive Overload
Soft Dreams, Whispering

Album Review
Your Imaginary Friend
Reviewed 2007-05-31
Angular dissonance from KK Rampage, very discordant, tri-toned or the like. Vocals are layered, sung together harmonized, screamy and desperate, smacking of recent Blood Brothers (or vice versa). Tracks are brief, pack a lot of punch.

FCC clean, my picks: 3, 6, 7

1) bashout pounding dissonance, angular guitars, vocs brings Blood Bros to mind
2) driving, a bit less intense but still desperate
3) intense, severe pounding, breaks down midway but comes back
4) almost a sing-along, more mid paced loop
5) pounding
6) mechanical beat to this one, slower phrasing makes it a bit less gratuitous, ends cold
7) harmonized vocals come through well on this, form a counterpoint to the insane music, simple piano/organ makes it too

Track Listing
1. Here Comes The Reckoning   4. Ride The Rainbow
2. Love Of My Life   5. Pretty Hyenas
3. Decay   6. Nice To Meet You
  7. Soft Dreams, Whispering