Five Star Affair / Do Not Disturb
Album: Do Not Disturb   Collection:Reggae
Artist:Five Star Affair   Added:Feb 2007

A-File Activity
Add Date: 2007-02-18 Pull Date: 2007-04-22 Charts: Reggae/World
Week Ending: Apr 15 Apr 8 Apr 1 Mar 25 Mar 18 Mar 11 Mar 4 Feb 25
Airplays: 1 1 2 2 1 2 1 3

Recent Airplay
1. Nov 21, 2017: Laptop Radio
Jezebel's Charms
4. Apr 07, 2007: New World Disorder
Day And Night
2. Sep 11, 2010: New World Disorder
Funkier Than A Mosquito's Tweeter
5. Mar 31, 2007: New World Disorder
Deme La Cuenta
3. Apr 14, 2007: New World Disorder
Jezebel's Charms
6. Mar 24, 2007: New World Disorder
Ab 62

Album Review
Sadie O.
Reviewed 2007-02-20
Five Star Affair – Do Not Disturb
Reviewed by Sadie O., 2/17/07
Reggae/Ska/Funk/etc from Calgary. Mostly female, rather punky vocals, hot horns, good bass sound, and lots and lots of good rhythms (often several per song) – all this, and didgerido! Hot stuff, fa shizzle.
Can’t make out most of the words, frankly, but I didn’t catch any FCCs. It’s all really good, but I’m digging 7 and 8 the mostest.
1. 1:09 **sparse, drum ‘n’ bass builds into full band, downtempo roots rock skank
2. 3:01 ***fast ska, great bass, two female vocals, frantic pace but cool.
3. 3:41 ***guitar intro with a second or two of silence, then uptempo guitar and horns- based ska. Shifts into uptempo electric one-drop, then back and forth. Nice funk interlude.
4. 2:52 **midtempo roots rock, shifts back and forth with uptempo horns and drum-driven ska. Male and female vocals.
5. 1:24 ***longish intro, then midtempo funky rock steady instrumental – nice! I wish it was about 5 minutes longer. Short goofy spoken outro
6. 2:01 **fast ska, female vocals harmonizing. Lots of time and instrumentation changes.
7. 4:17 ****long Latinish guitar intro, then midtempo cha cha with hard rock bite. Female vocals in Spanish. Again, lots of time changes. Some rather Spaghetti-Western horns. False ending, then 40 seconds of didgerido! It’s really cool!
8. 3:55 *****vocal beatbox, then uptempo funk with female vocals. Some didgerido on this one, too – wowzers! Odd ending.
9. 4:17 **drum intro, uptempo big guitars, loud bopper, female vocals, rather amusing lyrics, kinda schitzo music.
10. 3:31 ***hyper punky ska. Some really great bass moments. Suddenly quiets down into acoustic guitar and choral moments.
11. 3:59 ***midtempo lover’s rock with really cool bass sound, wah wah guitar, jazzy horns. Gets slower and funkier. Just bass at end.

Track Listing
1. Introduction - Welcome To The Avery   7. Deme La Cuenta
2. Jezebel's Charms   8. Funkier Than A Mosquito's Tweeter
3. Ab 62   9. Recycle
4. Another Way   10. Shamrock
5. Beginagin   11. Day And Night
6. Double Double   .