Rogalsky, Matt / Memory Like Water
Album: Memory Like Water   Collection:General
Artist:Rogalsky, Matt   Added:Dec 2006
Label:Xi Records  

A-File Activity
Add Date: 2006-12-24 Pull Date: 2007-02-25 Charts: Electronic, Classical/Experimental
Week Ending: Feb 11 Jan 28 Jan 21 Dec 31
Airplays: 1 1 1 6

Recent Airplay
1. Aug 01, 2009: lost and found
Resonate (Noise)
4. Jan 27, 2007: Cognitive Overload (noise special)
Resonate (Noise)
2. Feb 25, 2007: Multiple Personality Disorder
5. Jan 20, 2007: Cognitive Overload
Resonate (Noise)
3. Feb 04, 2007: Multiple Personality Disorder
6. Dec 30, 2006: Brownian Motion
Resonate (Noise)

Album Review
Your Imaginary Friend
Reviewed 2006-12-19
Sound art, droney, ambient, intense parts, interesting and totally kick-ass long tracks. Nothing harsh or difficult. Lots of hypnotic narcotic elements. For fans of Eno, Hassell, Richard Lainhardt, Eliane Radigue, the usual suspects. Interesting creative beautiful stuff that stands out in that placid often belly-button gazing field. Rogalsky is an established well-recognized artist on the XI label (Eliane Radigue, Lainhardt, Phil Niblock) which speaks volumes. Best stuff on my I-Pod right now.

1) shimmering tones, drony with low end that disappears midway but returns in force toward end, just beautiful
2) very long (26 min) track, symphonic in nature with evolved tones, synth, sounds, quite chill, ambient and a beautiful way to spend 26 minutes of your precious life
3) starts almost subsonically and continues very minimally, avante with treated violin, quiet
4) starts very quiet, an exploration of minimal guitar harmonics for 4 min, joined by very subtle noise, tape loop feel that evolves to low drone, quiet and hypnotic

1) very ambient, traditional feel, some trippy “vocalizations” arise creepily but the overall feel is that of light, builds subliminally then transgresses into a lovely low droney ambience
2) use of randomly tuned radios, manipulation, builds slowly, crazy woofer crashing low rumbles, very Eno/Byrne, gets completely insane toward the end, unbelievable kick ass!
3) longest track (31 min), starts with faded in harsh sawtooth wave that turns into lush narcotic drones, enveloping layers, then evolves to symphonic slow swirl layers of near distortion, incredible

Track Listing
1. Resonate (Noise)   5. Sprawl (Western Magnetics)
2. Resonate (Tones)   6. Kash (Radios)
3. Kash (Violin)   7. Transform
4. Kash (Guitars)   .