Short Hand / Good Enough
Album: Good Enough   Collection:General
Artist:Short Hand   Added:Oct 2006
Label:Collectible Escalators  

A-File Activity
Add Date: 2007-01-21 Pull Date: 2007-03-25
Week Ending: Feb 4 Jan 28
Airplays: 1 3

Recent Airplay
1. Jun 03, 2012: A Family Affair
Good Enough
4. Jan 25, 2007: Fiction Romance
Smuggled Love
2. Jan 29, 2007: Speak Me How to Teach
Everybody Knows
5. Jan 22, 2007: Speak Me How to Teach
Placing A Bet
3. Jan 27, 2007: Biff Bang Pow
Good Enough

Album Review
Reviewed 2007-01-22
Short Hand- Good Enough
Reviewed by Rebecca, 1/17/07

Folk/blues guitar with raspy male vocals reminiscent of Neutral Milk Hotel "In the Aeroplane Over the Sea". This album ranges from mellow home-after-a-night-of-heavy-drinking blues to great folk pop tunes that almost (but not quite) make you want to get up and dance.
Recommended Tracks: 1, 5, 6, 10
FCC: Indecent track 7

***1. Driving bass line with a simple repetitive guitar melody. Lyrics are the perfect indie-folk anthem. "The life you lead is so much better, than the life you don't." Perhaps a bit cliched. 5 sec silence at end. (4:00)
2.Slow acoustic piece. Highlight is the intermittent harmonica part that works it's way in mostly in the chorus. Great character profile of a woman now old. Chair creaking sound at the end. 7 sec silence at end. (3:04)
3.Cute acoustic pop tune including the overdone "ba ba ba" chorus. The last line is repeated ad nauseum. (2:56)
4. 9 sec static at start. Relaxed, slow moving track that sounds a lot like Elliott Smith. Great echoey electric guitar melody over folky acoustic rhythm guitar. 8 sec silence at end. (3:41)
***5. 5 sec silence at start. Medium-tempoed blues ballad with a great driving bass line. Great falsetto in the second verse. 5 sec silence at end.(3:44)
***6. 7 Sec static at beginning(maybe intentional?). Slow acoustic guitar and fragile vocals. Like coming home after drinking yourself silly over a heartbreak and realizing that you still have to go to bed alone. (3:46)
7. 3 sec static at beginning. Stripped bare. Walking bass line, simple percussion and lyrics. Adds in piano after first verse and a somewhat long guitar solo after second. (FCC indecent for 2 shits @ 1:48 and 1:55)4 sec silence at end. (3:23)
8. Great fun love song. Syncopated bass line, medium tempo. Sing-a-longable chorus. 3 sec silence at end(3:34)
9.Acoustic slow folk pop ballad. Annoyingly emo. I can't tell if he's trying to be ironic, but it comes off as whiney. (3:43)
***10.Mid-tempoed acoustic folk tune with a slight twang. A great goodbye track. (4:21)

Track Listing
1. Good Enough   6. Placing A Bet
2. The Best Of The Swing Years   7. Saying Goodbye
3. Super Plush Hotel   8. Sit Right Down
4. Number One   9. Smuggled Love
5. A Two-Part Word   10. Everybody Knows